Are you still itching to produce another DVD?


I'm itching to see more new stuff!

I have all of your wonderful DVD's, VHS's, and am spoiled and excited when I get them every year. I miss Looking forward to receiving the best workouts out there. You make that happen always.

Will you be doing one this year at all, or will you wait until next year?

Thank you so much Janiejoey! You are very sweet. Yes, I still have the itch but not sure when I can make it happen. Hopefully sooner than later :D In the mean time I guess I have to keep scratching that itch...tee hee :D

I'm itching to see more new stuff!

I have all of your wonderful DVD's, VHS's, and am spoiled and excited when I get them every year. I miss Looking forward to receiving the best workouts out there. You make that happen always.

Will you be doing one this year at all, or will you wait until next year?


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