**Are you Melting? It's Monday!**

Just back to thank TK and the rest of you for the laughs!

TK, you can be the smart mouthed lady in the overalls, weilding her power tools! What fun!:7 Thats awesome! Ok, you got me with my imitation Peeps, but whats up with the Lite Spam girl??:eek: What is that stuff anyway? For that matter, what are imitation Peeps? I'll tell you what they are-fart makers. There I said it.

Your DH sounds hilarious, zebra in NJ....penguin? :7 My DH had jury duty last week, they didn't pick him so he didn't get to experience any real "jury time". He was actually disappointed, says that serving on a jury is a darn good thing to do and our responsibility as a citizen...or something like that...kick your DH outta the way tomorrow AM...

Okay, off to watch a little bad TV--should go paint but the spirit isn't moving me right now...

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