Are you from Canada, eh?

Hi Christine!

If I go to canfitpro, it'll be for the tradeshow only. But I don't think I'll be able to swing by TO as I have a pretty loaded summer schedule at work.
Hello fellow canadians....
I am from canada to, born and raised in Newfoundland.Some people still don't know where that is...but we are on the map:)
Right now, I am in Alberta training for a CSA job with westjet.And I can't wait to get home.It is so windy here! Its not this windy in NL and we are right on the water.I guess the wind is blowing down from the Mountains, which is where we are headed today.SHould be a good day.
Oh, I guess I could tell you that I am 25 yrs old....not yet but in a couple of monthes,married for almost 2 yrs and I have a 7 yr old daugther.I have alot of reasons why I want to go home.
Chat to ya soon,
Oh, this is a wonderful thread.

I'm a Winnipegger, I think I noticed at least one other in the replies. I have two children, ages 2 and 5. I've always been into fitness and used videos for probably the last ten years but really discovered Cathe in the last couple of years. Right now I'm on a little break from videotapes as my husband and I are training for the Manitoba Marathon next Sunday (Father's Day). It's my first time running a full marathon, and I'm very excited. When I'm not training or home with kids, I work part time as an occupational therapist. Kim
Hi Kim I'm also in Winnipeg. I have been using workout videos since Jane Fonda first made hers! Currently I do mostly Cathe and the Firm. I also run once or twice a week for about an hour at a time. I have completed the half marathon 3 times. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck this weekend. I hope you have a GREAT run. Do you run in "Running Room" style ie. run for 10minutes and walk for 1minute. I personally find this method very affective allowing me to run much longer and have those needed H2O breaks. Anyway, again GOOD-LUCK and have fun!:)
Hi everyone, I was born in Comox on the Island, my parents retired there as well. My father was in the Military so we moved alot. I married a Military man and moved alot once again. I found Cathe after comming back from a 5 year stay in Germany, she was in Collage vid. cataloge. I was so tired of short workouts and her cardio said it was 40 mins long, awesome! That was way back in 1994, I fisrt ordered Step Jam and was a Cathe fan right away. I have had 3 children and worked out all pregnancys. I became an Instructor as I wanted to for a long time. Cathe has inspired me to be the Best Instructor I can be. And poeple tell me I am easy to follow, Cathe gave me a verry good example. I love to teach some of the vids moves in classes, I break it down , add my stuff and mix different moves together. I have found the poeple that I teach at the gym love Cathe moves , but in small blocks, and some folks need extra modifications and breakdown.I taught in the Ottawa valley for 6 years, one year in Renfrew with that. One year at a very Posh place and at the YMCA in Oakville Ont. And now I'm teaching in Welland at a Ladies gym and at the Y as well. I live 25 mins. out in the country, Dunnville is only 12 mins away and just opened a gym, so I dropped off all my paper stuff ( cert's letters pic's all that stuff) The fittness room is not completed yet, it will all be brand new ! Let you know what happens, Hello to Grace in Hamilton! all for now Bri.:)
Hi There,

I too am Canadian. I was born in East York Ontario but I have lived all over the eastern side of our beautiful country. Currently, I'm living in the U.S.(I married an American ).

I discovered Cathe several years ago but was very nervous but about trying her workouts. I was told they were tough. But two years ago I decided to try one of her dvd's. I started with Cardio Hits and I haven't looked back. Her workouts are challenging and push me to my limits. I have lost 40 pounds so far and continue to lose at a slow but steady rate. The best thing is I'm in good shape and I feel good about myself and that's half the battle. Thanks Cathe for giving me the power to feel that way about myself. :7

I just love this thread, even though it makes me homesick
Hello there,

No, I am not from Canada, but my husband is from Calgary and went to school in Edmonton. I really enjoy the Canadian culture and just this past Christmas, we spent two weeks in Canada. It was wonderful and if I had my way, I would really love to live in Banff or Canmore in Alberta!

Dawn :0)
the Banff and Canmore region is beatiful isn't it. Many people would love to live there. Did your huband go to University of Collage in Edmonton?
I live in Toronto. I'm 41 years old (will be 42 on July 1), married for 15 years, and have a 10-month-old daughter. My full time job is manager of an I.T. group but I have also been a part-time fitness instructor for 18 years. I will be going to the Can-Fit-Pro conference in August -- all three days of it.
Thanks for the good luck wishes for the race. I do the 10 and 1's for longer runs although I don't start until 20-30 mins into the race.
I've been living in Toronto for 21 years. I'm 39 and I have a 6 year old. I gained a ton of weight with pregnancy and beyond (always had a tendency to be chubby, but I was hitting obese territory as I was going through some tough times). I decided to finally do something about it 2 years ago. I lost the weight by dieting and then decided to lose the flab. I did Karen Voight, then I discovered the Firm and then Cathe then running. My first tape was Imax, wow, I was blown away (still am). Bye-Bye flab and hello self confidence. My friends are in awe of my transformation, and don't understand my commitment to excercise. How can they understand that once I've conquered Leaner legs, Bootcamp or a 10K first thing in the morning, I feel I can conquer the world! And I have. I truly believe my new body and attitude has given me my marriage back, and the job that had previously been beyond my grasp. Life has ups and downs for sure, but taking control of my body has given me control of my life to a large extent.
I lurk on these forums often, but don't usually post. Thank you for being here, as my commitment is always renewed after reading a few posts here. I think the hardest part of losing the weight is the first 2 weeks and then the last 75 years or so. Let's just say I want to grow old with Cathe, if I can keep up with her then I'm doing ok.

Dear Erica, I think your story is very motivating. At 41 years of age myself, it is easy for me to relate. I also believe that exercise videos and fitness in general can greatly improve a person's life. I also hope to grow old with Cathe workouts and the like. Some times others around me don't get it! Keep up the good work and Congradulations on your Success!!
I was born and raised in Toronto but now hail from Peterborough, Ontario (that's about 1 hour from Toronto.) I first started doing Cathe about 7 years ago and have collected all the DVD's except the very early ones. I have two children, 15 and 12, and am an active soccer and hockey mom. I love using treadmill workouts as well as step videos. In the past two years I have gone from 155 pounds down to 125 pounds with the help of WW and Cathe videos.
Michele, my hubby attended college at the University of Alberta and then came to the states where he finished his Masters and Doctorate degree. I can't help but think Canadian folk are so cool!

Dawn :0)

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