Hi Melanie
I am not a pharmacist..yet....I have been an RN for 17 years, and as my child continues to grow up, I am seriously considering it. It would be a long haul, as I will have to repeat chemistry, biology etc. The good news it I will not be starting from scratch, with no medical background or knowledge.
I love biochemistry and medical physiology. What scares me the most is the pre pharmacy requirements of physics and calculus!! I've taken a few classes towards a nurse practitioner, and I am not really interested. My current job is Quality Improvement in a hospital, and I work closely with the pharmacy dept in various projects as well as chart audits for medical errors. They have been very encouraging in my dream of being a pharmaist.
I always had the dream, but once being an immature 18 year old, I saw that I could be a nurse much faster, and that meant freedom, a new car, apt, travel etc!! If you have any advice,I would appreciate it!!