Are the Premix DVDs worth it?


I have a lot of Ctahe's stuff, but none of the premiz DVDs (Timesaver, Terminator, Hardcore Extreme). Are they worth it? Do you really use the premizes that much in your workouts?

Thanks ahead of time for the responses!

premixes are awesome! i have super sets and push pull. i can choose to do just upper body,or lower body, and 3 sets or 2 sets of each.
timesavor has 5 different work outs with workout blender,not premixes.
terminator has neither. just three different workouts to pick
they are all great workouts. they all have mix and match. hardcore will have both, i think.

Hi Lisa,

If you are talking about the compilation DVDs, here's my experience.

Terminator- I used the Imax Extreme title some. The others were circiut workouts and I just don't do this type of workout as much as straight strength or pure cardio. I've read a lot of posts about people liking this DVD. Hopefully, you will hear from them.

Timesaver- I use when I am short on time or have a hectic schedule. This DVD is like CTX but easier. The workouts are not original as in CTX. They are compilations from BB series. The Cardio is not as high impact. The weight work has some original footage. I have used this more than the Terminator. I read where some people didn't use it because they had the BB series. I did use both. I also used it when I had a BB workout that I needed to sub, due to time or DOMS. There is no upper body split chapter on this DVD.

Hardcore Extreme-I didn't think I would use this too much. But, now that I have it, I think these have a place in my schedule. It is chaptered nicely and can be shortened. There is a circuit workout and two interval cardio workouts.

Hope this helps,
Yes, yes, and yes! If I only had the money to buy a few Cathe DVDs, I would invest in the Premixes and Cross Train Express.

I don't always have 1.5 hours for a workout and even when I do, the boredom factor sets in after one hour...and I begin to think about all I have to do.
i don't have timesaver, cuz after what i read on here and other boards.. felt it wasn't for me..

the terminator dvd: I LOVE IT! the guantlet is my most favoritest cathe workout! i LOVE LOVE LOVE it! imax extreme is great, i like the viper, but of the 3 it is my least favorite!

i ordered hardcore extreme but don't have my order yet.. so can't comment on that..

but i say YES.. get terminator!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I've never done a "parts" workout - seems like the DVD switching to another portion would be a pain. Does anyone find this at all?
Terminator -Love it! Won't ever trade it.
Hard Core Extreme - Ditto
Timesaver - Wasn't for me, but if you were interested in shorter work-outs, it would be great. I like longer ones when I do a video.
>I've never done a "parts" workout - seems like the DVD
>switching to another portion would be a pain. Does anyone
>find this at all?

i can only speak for terminator.. and the switches from one workout section to the next are flawless!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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