Are side planks ok?


I'm 22 weeks along and have about a 2 finger-width diastasis recti. I've checked the archives for information on doing ab work during pregnancy. Much of the info says not to do "rotational" oblique exercises if you have diastasis recti. Would it be ok to do side planks without exacerbating the diastasis? By side planks, I mean you are lying on one side, propped up on one elbow/forearm, your torso and legs are off the ground, and supported by the side of your foot. This works the obliques and there's no rotation involved but since the obliques insert into the linea alba, would it still but causing further separation of the rectus? Thanks anyone!

Hi Amy,

I'm going to advise you to not do the side planks. I also think this would become a major balance challenge as your pregnancy progressed and also exacerbate some round ligament issues (the bands of connective tissue that anchor the uterus in the pelvis; these bands stretch from 2 - 12 inches while pregnant.) We do a similar move on all 4's called "tail wags" in some of our classes that we caution our moms with diastasis not to do.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness and
Thanks for your reply Sheila. I'm kinda bummed though! Seems like the only ab work that is ok is traditional crunches on an incline and pelvic tilts on all fours. I'm used to really working them! Oh well.
Just remember that it will be so much easier to "rehab" those abs back to their pre-pregnancy state (or better!) once the baby is born. Also think of it this way: As you are doing those pelvic tilts on all 4's you will have a built in weight plate that is growing daily. You will be working those abs against gravity.

Email me after the baby is born and I will send you our abdominal and pelvic floor rehab protocol that I developed in conjunction with a physical therapist that specializes in the OB field.

Good luck!! You'll get those abs back!


Sheila S. Watkins,MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms Fitness and
Hi There ;

I'm new here on this forum. I'm 26 weeks along with my pregnancy and I have a question for Sheila. I've been wondering about which abdominal exercises are safe for pregnant women. I can't seem to find information on this, all the info I find is the ones that say what not to do. Such as lying on your back after first trimester and so on.
I wanted to work on my abs now that I'm going into my third trimester, and can workout now. I wasn't able to workout my first and second trimester because of an almost miscarriage in my first trimester.
Now I'm ready to workout, starting with walks, stretches and some abdominal work that is safe for pregnancy. TIA for any info you can help me.

Ok, I gave birth about 3 weeks ago. What an awesome experience! Everything went great.
I'm ready to "rehab" my abs. Sheila, (or anyone else who has them) can you email me those exercises you referred to in your previous message? Thanks!


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