are any of you a little sore from cathes



KICKMAX?, I hope I am not the only one a little sore but in a good way. I could feel it in my butt and back of my legs, I LOVE LOVE IT I workout with several of her other kickbox tapes. I also love kp&c, cardio kicks and kickbox. CATHE rocks. How would you rate kickmax on a scale of 1 to 10? for intensity. I wore my HR monitor like I always do and I burned MORE in kickmax that any of her others. I think her others are just as good because I burn lots of calories with those also and feel so great when I have completed it. CATHE YOU DID IT AGAIN. I would love you to do a series of kickboxing dvds, now I would be the first in line for those}( }( :p ;-) :) :) ;) :7

Yes, I did the Boot Camp challenge premix (that's the blast + the kick/punch drills, but no leg conditioning) and frankly I was a bit surprised at just how sore I was since I think the kick/punch drills are easier than KPC's, (IMHO) and high impact cardio does not usually make me sore, although the KM blast sure makes me suck air:p.

I really like Kick Max, although I have yet to do it as produced--I've done the leg conditioning drills separately from the rest and today I just tacked on the kick/punch drills to GS CT because I wanted a low impact short cardio.

I think that compared to KPC, Kick Max's high intensity section is waaay more intense than KPC's, but KPC's kick punch drills are more intense than KM's.

I'm Hardcore obsessed right now, but when I start doing older workouts again, I look forward to mixing and matching portions of these two together.

sorry--longer than I intended.

Hi Maggie

It sounds like you love it as much as I do. I think Cathe rocks.

I posted to another board a while a go and it seems gym style legs is another great workout.I might need to order that one. I hear it is brutal, LOL.

Thanks a bunch Maggie I really appreciate it.

A lot of the kick boxing stuff is similar to the karate stuff I do. I love Kick,Punch & Crunch......make sure you do plenty of stretching for your hip flexors, and butterly stretches. This really helps adding more flexiblitiy and less soreness after. Cathe is the best (dont let my sensei at karate hear me say that-LOL)

Good luck and keep it up!

>A lot of the kick boxing stuff is similar to the karate stuff
>I do. I love Kick,Punch & Crunch......make sure you do plenty
>of stretching for your hip flexors, and butterly stretches.
>This really helps adding more flexiblitiy and less soreness
>after. Cathe is the best (dont let my sensei at karate hear me
>say that-LOL)
>Good luck and keep it up!

Hi Joanna,

I won't tell if you don't saying Cathe is the best. I am ready to tackle kickmax again. I love it.

Have a great day. I am going to get ready for work.
:( I woke up this morning thinking it was Sundayx(
Happy Monday


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