

Doesnt everyone miss hearing from aquajock the past few days??!!
I love reading what she writes and i am looking foward to her coming back soon....
Yeah I do miss her being around, especially with the new series out. I almost fell across my step during interval #9 on Imax 2 thinking to myself, "why do I just know that A-jock is going to eat this interval for breakfast!" I continued that thought as I stood there in amazement watching Cathe continue to hop, jack, etc. :)
Then again this morning with BootCamp! I'm thinking, "she is going to so love the intensity of this workout!" :)

Hurry back A-jock!

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hey, Donna!

I too will miss annette around here until after the 1st. Thanks for all the great reviews of the I.S., you put us right there! I also got to wondering where Maribeth has been...did I miss something? I know she was working on a degree or paper or something right? I miss hearing from her as well.

Anyway,it's New Years Eve and I am gonna get some weights in before I have to put on a gown and turn into "Sally Singer" tonight. Our band is working tonight, so I need the endorphins. I would much rather put on my flanned jammies and spend it with ##### Clark. I'm sure I'll feel better after my workout and when I get there. How are you spending your NYE? Hope whatever it is is fun and safe...Here's to a healthy and happy New Year Donna!

Debbie Dailey
Yep I miss her too.....but I do believe all this IMAX II talk may be psychological hard for her to read about knowing her intense love for pain.

I have an idea, (I'm sure AJ will be reading this soon) you could always go stand in front of a mack truck going 60 mph, that will probably have a similar effect as interval number 9, right Donna (well maybe not for AJ)?????

We miss ya Annette and will pray that you get through this IMAX II-less time unscathed. Be of good cheer knowing your DVD's will soon put our VHS ravings to shame.

You all are too nice! I only have computer access at the office, and I took Monday and Tuesday off as well as of course New Year's Day. And yes, although I filled it with 2-3 hour workouts each day, I was / am pining for my new Intensity Series DVD's . . . especially since DH and I bought a 5-disc programmable DVD player this weekend.

Hope you all had a great New Year's!

Hey! That was an AWESOME class. I love to get my get my Aqua-butt kicked by the Aqua-Queen-Gillwoman herself. And, you know what? . . . (I've NEVER seen this happen before) the class gave our own Annette-ski a big round of applause after class. Yes, she totally deserved it! (I should mention that Annette substituted for a different teacher that day.) Most aqua instructors are SO worried about taking it easy. But not IMAX Woman. She came, she saw, she kicked butt!

Oh, someone needs to teach Annette how to count. You see, she counts down like to four (when she's making you do a "nasty thing") and THEN she seems to think 12 comes after four and we end up counting down again.


PS-still sore in the soleus again.
RE: Amadeus

See, that's what happens when you've been teaching aqua as long as I have . . . you get a little thing called Chlorine Brain, and you forget how to count. Or you remember to count but you forget where you were. Or you remember where you were but it takes longer between each count to get there.

The possibilities are endless.

Aren't those a.m. ladies great?! So much for taking it easy in your senior years! Those gals are an inspiration to me!

So good to see you again! Hope to see you again soon!

hint hint

Hey, Debbie!
Thanks--It's nice to be missed. I got really busy and was out of town for a while, so I didn't get to my e-mail or the boards much at all, but now I'm back.

Until I find a PhD program in biomechanics or nutritional biochemistry within an easy commute, my papers will be limited to writing continuing ed articles for fitness journals and working on a book. With my ADD, the book may be a long time in becoming a finished project!

Happy New Year to all!

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