Aqua Jogging: Anybody do this?


hi everybody,

well my aching knees, are still not quite up to i'm having to find an alternative cardio workout.

i have a great pool in the backyard, so was thinking of trying "Aqua Jogging". i can do laps, but i get a bit queasy from all the up and down (my body is a human boat! ;) ) so i was toying with the idea of 'water jogging'. i know they have 'aqua fitness belts' (although, they're a bit pricey $60 !) and even videos...i was wondering if anybody has tried either of these, and what your take on them was. i don't want to invest in the belt, (let alone the video) if it's not gonna be worthwhile or effective, ya know?

thanks so much! :)
Oh, Bean Queen, Bean Queen . . . aqua jogging ROCKS!

I too have an aqua jogger, and I always take mine with me on vacations so that I can get in some good zero-impact pool work after a day's tourist walking. You can do traditional jogging drills certainly, with your legs in a running motion and your arms swinging in opposition as if you were running. AND, there are about a million other drills you can do, with the legs AND the upper body, to get a total-body cardio, muscle endurance and muscle/joint limbering workout.

I would invest (ATROCIOUS PUN) in an aqua vest or a bona fide Aqua Jogger, AND some videos to get you started. Check out the videos that might be available at the following websites (these suggestions are a shot in the dark, just off the top of my head):

Kiefer Catalog (

Aquatic Exercise Association (

Hydrofit (

Fitness Wholesale (

Speedo (, natch)

Power Systems ( OR, I forget which)

Perform Better ( OR, I forget which).

Also consider investing in a pair of Speedo resistance mitts (Speedo makes the best resistance mitts) for the hands, to give some pump to the upper body work. Other companies make resistance mitts too, but Speedo is the best.

Also consider investing in a pair of styrofoam hand buoys (they look like outsized dumbbells) for floating drills such as flutter kicks, supine abdominal work and upper body resistance work. Hydrofit (as well as other companies) make these, and Hydrofit has a handbook and laminated pool sheet for these as well.

If you'd like, I can dig up my little pool workout with aqua jogger that I usually do on vacay. Post here and lemme know - it may take me a day to dig up.


Yes, aqua jogging is an awesome workout! You can definitely get your cardio, as well as do toning exercises, with or without the belt. The belt will help to stabilize you, and you won't have to concentrate as hard to "stay afloat" while working in the water. We use these at my YMCA for nonswimmers and in our deep water classes. We do not offer any official "aqua jogging classes", but the belt will be very helpful to your regimen in the water. I love to do water drills in deep water, as well as traditional water aerobics. You can do cross country legs, jumping jack legs, treading of water ( be careful with your knees and listen to your body!, "can can kicks", frog leaps, bunny hops, the list goes on and on. Most of these drills I personally do without a "belt", which hugely engages the abdominals. But for aqua jogging specifically, you should invest in the belt. I just know that for me, variety is the key, and I might get bored going back and forth, but that might not be the case for you. If you have a recreational facility with a reputable water aerobics program, you could go to some classes and try the whole "water" thing out. Most facilities allow you to have a "free" trial membership, if only for a day, and you could get some great ideas here for working effectively in the water. I do not personally own any water exercise videos, but you should be able to locate some at, as aquajock suggested. The water is such an awesome place to workout, injured or not. It really is about using the resistance of the water, which you must have a good feel for if you swim. The water gloves are an excellent way to not "cheat". They force you to push the water with resistance through each movement. Investing in some music to motivate you as well as some basic equipment and knowledge should get you off to a good start. You can actually download some workouts off the AEA website, but they would not do you any good unless you understood the "language". The beats per minute that work best in the water for me are 125 - 135, or traditionally any step music. Hope this helps! I too will look for anything to send, I am sure I could dig something up for you. Good luck and you'll love working out in the water!


Go to for some great info. These are the belts we have at our YMCA, and they also show some great visuals for what exercises to do in the H20. They even break it down into which body parts you want to work.
ooh! thanks annette and janet! wow, i'm all pumped up to try this aqua jogging thing out! woohoo! (btw, annette..would love to see the jogger routine if it isn't too much trouble! ) many accessories that sound fun and interesting, too! (those speedo mits sound cool!) do you recommend a specific aqua belt? they had some on sportschalet's website...women's style, etc..any recs?

well, i've gotta go jump in the pool right now (my 'workout window of time' is pretty i'm gonna do some basic stuff, then tonight check out those websites for some exercises and vids, etc... ooh, so much to explore! LOVE IT! thanks for the great responses and info..can't wait to get more into this! :D

here i come AQUA-MAX! heeheehee....
thanks again!

I do feel like a dope right now, forgetting to include the AquaJogger website.

BQ, like Jmswimmom, I too recommend the original Aqua Jogger. I believe it was the first product of its kind, and still the best.

Also, in addition to the other doodads I've suggested, consider getting a pair of the buoyancy booties that Aqua Jogger has for the feet, only for running drills though. (IMHO they would not be appropriate for other long-lever leg drills.)

Also, a cheapo way to add serious resistance to your water workout is to wear a pair of loose-waisted tights over the legs, and a long-sleeved tee-shirt over the upper body. The cloth drag resistance is unbelievable.

I'll post my little pool workout (it's a no-brainer and meant to be that way) on this thread tomorrow night.

I got mine when I got a stress fracture from running and wanted to keep my cardio up... I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy running, and find I have to concentrate a lot more to keep my HR up. You have to kind of try and sprint, rather than jog, in the water.

When I asked my doc about it, he said to really try and push down with my legs, and also keep the pace pretty fast- he suggested a metronome poolside. He also said something about what happens to the heart rate under water, that it lowers for some reason, so if you were working that hard on land the HR would be too high but under water you're okay.

It's an okay workout, especially if you enjoy being in the pool! I also recommend hooking yourself on to the pool ladder so you aren't actually moving- that helped me out with my resistance too. They have a $13 rope, but I'm sure regular rope works just as good. ;)

Have you searched Froogle or ebay for a jogger? Or even Fitness Wholesale? I think I saw one recently online for about $30.

Have fun!!
wow, thanks everybody..what a wealth of information! yep...."definitely" an educated crowd ;)

btw, what do you think about the videos? are they any good? worth getting? or just the audio tapes? (i saw some on the aqua jogger site). i'm not quite sure what accessories i need, since i'm so new at this, and the whole 'aquatic workout world' ...foot thingies, sqoodles, hand thingies....(alot of 'thingies' :p )

i tried using a kickboard type deal, and really felt the burn in my quads...but my neck got kinda kinked.. (bleh) i don't want to do too much traditional swimming w/ my head underwater, b/c getting the water in my ears and the disorientation, makes me a bit nauseous sometimes....any suggestions..i'd GLADLY welcome!!!! :D

thanks so much..i've gotta go check out more of the sites you all gave me! woohoo!

btw, after my swim tonite (only about 20-25 minutes..geez, btw why does time go by sooooo slow in the water?! what's that about?!!!! :p ) my knees didn't hurt!!!!!! yay!!!

P.S. SIDE GIRLIE QUESTION: what shampoo do you use for the chlorine? for colored hair? thx!

which video?

okay, i've been doing more research on this 'water workout world'.. ;) and i'm interested in trying a video workout..(guess i'm just a die hard vidiot!, hopefully, it'll make time go by faster! :eek:)

which videos have you tried and liked? there are a multitude of them..but which ones? i saw a few clips on collage of karen westfall's videos..they look interesting..but $30 a pop! :eek: has anybody tried them? if so, which one in particular did you try/like?

i'm trying to figure out what i'd need for the whole water aerobics deal. i guess there's the aqua jogging route..or the traditional aerobics workout. on the aerobic workout, do i need special shoes? (i.e.ryka aqua shoes?) or can it be done barefoot w/o much discomfort? i'm assuming the floating foot accessories are to be used w/ the aqua jogger?

eegads, i need an 'intro to water workouts'! trying to find some videos at the library, but so far no luck. :( i think there's probably certain 'techniques' and muscles one uses for certain moves in the water..of which, i am clueless! (ack!)

i'm really leaning toward the water aerobics route, prob b/c i'm so used to doing workout videos. gee, i wonder if i could modify cathe's workouts for the pool?!!! (boy, 'jump tucks' would sure be kinder to my knees in water! ;)

thanks everybody! :)
RE: which video?

Okay, Beanqueen, here I go - In Which A-Jock Tries To Cut And Paste . . .


Traditional runs 8-count
Traditional runs double-uppercuts, palms in, palms up, palms out; 8 count (note: 4 complete runs per count, i.e. 1-2-3-4, 2-2-3-4, 3-2-3-4, 4-2-3-4 etc.)


Runs + short-lever fisted FAST arm abductions / adductions 8 count
Skis + long-lever palmed arm abductions / adductions 16-count

Runs + palmed-hand push-pulls 8 count
Power skis 16-count

Runs + short-lever fisted lateral raises 8 count
JACKS + long-lever palmed shoulder lateral raises 16-count

Runs + biceps curls 8-count
Skis + long-lever shoulder flexion / extension 16-count palms back

Runs + LONG-lever fisted FAST arm abductions / adductions 8 count
Skis + long-lever palmed abductions / adductions 16-count

Runs + palmed hand push-pulls OR breast strokes 8 count
Power Skis 16-count

Runs with legs abducted + upright rows 8 count
JACKS + long-lever lateral shoulder raises 16-count

Runs + triceps extensions 8-count
Skis + long-lever shoulder flexion / extension palms UP 16-count

(Each cycle of this runs about 15 minutes)

OPTIONAL: add on 3 minutes of flutter + frog kick drills, cycles of 45 seconds : 45 seconds each


Travelling breast strokes, “reverse breast strokes”, or “palm digs” with the arms digging alongside the body while keeping the entire body straight and toes pointed (good core stabilizer work)

YIPPEEEEEE!!!!! I did it!

Okay, a few form pointers:

Go at the briskest pace you can do and still maintain a good, full range of motion.

Use your muscles to maintain strict form for all the joints. It really does you no good to let your elbows, wrists, knees and ankles get all loose and floppy in the water. It also does you no good to lock out the joints when you're trying to maintain a long-lever position. The firmer you keep your limbs, the more workload you'll achieve, AND the safer it will be for the working joints.

When you're doing traditional aqua jogging with your arms in a traditional "running" mode, DO NOT let your arms cross in front of the body. That's just wasted effort with no benefit. Make sure to pump them forward and back, keeping the elbow 90-degrees and the wrists strong.

When you doing traditional aqua jogging, or indeed any vertical work in a zero-impact environment, it is very important to maintain a vertical spine. It's also very easy to flake out and start curving forward from the spine or hingeing forward from the hips. In the aqua jogging drills, keep your body almost completely vertical, perhaps only a 3-degree forward lean, and again, make sure you don't hinge forward at the hips. This takes some practice, and is good, subtle core work.

When you're doing long-lever skiing motions or jacking motions with the legs, trunk must remain vertical.

That's it for now. Lemme know if you have any specific questions about specific drills. I do think videos would be very helpful for you and other budding aquatinas; a picture is worth a thousand words.

And just in passing - if you do an "Author" search on the Open Discussion forum you'll find many previous posts by yours truly that offer suggestions on shallow water aerobic and muscle conditioning drills.

RE: which video?

wow!! cool!!!! :D

thanks so much annette! i've gotta print that stuff out and try and make some sense of it all. sounds pretty intense..hey, maybe YOU can make the next "AQUA-MAX" by A-JOCK! ;)

btw, when you do those drills, do you wear those floatie things on your feet, as well as the webbed hand mits? trying to figure out which accessories are necessary, and which are not.

thanks for the heads up on the search for more threads on the subject. i'm trying to figure out which avenue i want to pursue..the water aerobics in the shallow end, vs. the aqua jogging....

this really is a 'whole new aquatic world' !!!!! :D

RE: which video?

Hi, BQ!

I personally don't use the floaty things for my aqua jogging workout; as I mentioned earlier, I feel they are only useful for aqua jogging only, not long-lever stuff, and I like to do a varied workout. However, I ALWAYS use the resistance mitts. IMHO, if you're picking and choosing which gizmos to get, I'd put the floaty-foot things a bit lower down on the list, after the Aqua Jogger, the resistance mitts and whichever vids you pick.

IMHO squared, I think you should develop deep AND shallow-water aquatic workouts, not just one or the other. Although shallow-water workouts are not zero-impact, they are reduced impact, reduced enough to be extremely forgiving on all the weight-bearing joints. And there's a ton that you can do in the shallow end that you just can't do in the deep end. Consider the following shopping list:

Aqua Jogger

Resistance mitts

Ryka aqua athletic shoes

Hand buoys (see website suggestions above)


The benefits of aquatic training are well worth the effort, and it does indeed take effort and practice to understand the aquatic environment.

Go for it.

RE: which video?


I got a booklet that came with my Aqua Jogger. It had different exercises diagramed and an intro of some sort. PM me if you want me to mail it to you.
RE: which video?

thanks so much a-jock and amy.. :)

hmmm..sounds like the aqua jogger might be something that would be worth considering...and definitely those hand mits. thanks for the great info and rec's annette! :) let's face it..i'm gonna have to shell out some buckeroonies for this "new workout genre".. (i think i can justify it, no problem, tho...i'm pretty good at that! teehee)

amy, that's so sweet of you to offer to mail me the exercises. thanks so much! :) actually, i think i'm gonna cave and go to chick's tomorrow and get the aqua jogger. :p if it doesn't come w/ the exercises, i may take you up on your offer! thank you! :D

RE: which video?

Probably too late for this, BeanQueen, but they have a bunch on ebay for not much money.

Like you said, though, when it comes to your health and fitness, you can spend a lot of money!!! LOL, Cathe should come out with CatheCash!!
RE: which video?

"cathe cash"...hahahaha...yep..I NEED SOME OF THAT, BADLY! :p

and now.... i'm eyeing an air filter/purifier i saw them talking about on another thread! this point i'll take just some PLAIN CASH!!! teehee

have a great weekend!

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