April Rotation - April 2nd


Well I started the April rotation yesterday. I did all of gym style legs. My legs were a little fried as I did Cardio Fusion on Saturday.
I'm adding yesterday's abs onto Step Blast today...I just didn't have the energy for it yesterday.

Happy Happy I'm starting full time employment in two weeks. I've been job hunting since September. This will be quite the transition as I've been doing short contracts since my kids were born. The last time I did full time work was 1999. Of course I've been working full time in terms of taking care of my kids but now I'll get paid. I'm excited and nervous. The one hour commute will also be a big change for me. I'm not used to sitting for extended periods of time. Typically at lunch I'll realize that it's the first I've sat down since breakfast.

Have a great day!
Hi Alhambra,

Congrats on your full time employment!

I am starting the April rotation today!
Today is GS legs and abs from Butts & Glutes!

Have a great day!
Alhambra...CONGRATS on the new job. What will you be doing now that 'you're all grown up'? LOL

Hi, Belinda!

I started the rotation today as well. This morning was day 1....GS Legs and stability ball abs from B&G. Then I tacked on a 2 mile treadmill walk to loosen my legs.....I had a 10 mile long run yesterday so the strides on the TM felt great!

My plan/goal is to combine the April rotation with the last 4 weeks of my training schedule (I've got a half marathon on April 29th).

See you all tomorrow!


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