April 10 Check in Wednesday 28th***********


Good morning ladies....

Ok, today is another gym style...chest and triceps. Not looking forward to all those pushups. BUt, I will get through it!!! The kids also have PE class today..

Be back later...Thanks again for all the birthday wishes yesterday..
Hi Kathy! :)

Hi Girls to follow :):)

It is so cold out today, I'm dying here! Would have loved to run, but it's also windy and in the 40's. I guess a state or 2 north of us got a foot or more of snow! The craziest thing is, it's supposed to be up in the 80's this weekend! New England.

Rotation calls for PUB and 30 Minutes of Basic Step. I think I may modify it, and do PUB , Up Only , and then some Turbo Kick.

Kathy: Good luck on GS today! I don't know why, but I'm sooo turned off by GS still. It's weird. Kind of like when you get food aversions in pregnancy. that's how I feel about GS! LOL!. ... Hey, congrats to Lauren on doing even better than acing her CCD test!!! That's very cool! Do they both do that well in home school too, Kathy?

Joanne: I literally LOL @ your kids comments about your haircuts. Made me feel better! ;) As did the price that you usually pay. I told Greg how much it was and he was not amused. And then he said, "My haircuts are cheap, do it yourself" (He shaves his head). So then I felt better, since we're saving so much money on his cuts! :D

Hottie: It was so funny to read your rendition of your trip to FL. You just don't get any of what you said in the pictures! Always a story behind happy faces, I guess. I don't blame you for feeling weird about your SIL and what she did. Does Joe feel that way too? Glad you got some nice time with his mom though. Even nicer that you get along with your MIL. So many don't. I always did. Greg's mom was a complete sweetheart with a huge huge heart. (She's passed away, sadly enough she committed suicide after she moved away to FL). ... that plane trip sucked butt!!! Must have been so frustrating. That is a LONG flight to have things go wrong!... The story of you and Evee's reunion is very sweet!!!

Hey Beth!: whatcha gonna do today? .. Greg asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I had a hard time telling him... "Brazillian Butt Lift". He thinks I'm weird! He said, "What does it come with, a Brazillian man that follows you around and holds up your butt?". And Jake's reply was, "Maybe it gives you a wedgie". ... Why oh why did they give this a silly name?

Better get closer to getting my workout in... time is ticking!
All those friggin' pushups!!! And I was going to write that before I read Kathy's post. I counted 182 -- that can't be right, can it? It was before caffeine. STS disc 7. Ug. I am fried! That was really intense this morning, and not just the pushups. I don't know if I can really face back/tri tomorrow -- I may have to change up things.

Kathy, was the rest of your birthday good? I hope so! My SIL lives in Vermont and they had snow, so she went sliding on some black diamond near their house and had a big wipe out, got hurt sort of, but had a blast. They are going to ski Friday. Seems crazy, but I guess April skiing is not really out of the question.

I'll bet Chris is posting the same time as I am. Seems to happen that way. Waves to everyone!

Oh wait... Hottie, your post, your Evee love, your SIL. Crazy stuff! Must have been so fun to be home with Evee, especially after the travel horror. Welcome back.
I knew I'd be double posting! And yeah, why was yours more, Chris?! I think I may take the cake on what I pay though.... I don't even want to say! Let's just say I should have tipped about $10 more than I could let come out of my tight-wad hand and leave it at that. I do always give her a nice bonus at xmas time though. And yeah, Larry thinks it's crazy I would have to spend so much when he pays something like $20 for his. Nice averaging there.

So funny about BBL, Chris! Should I have Larry send him a note about the results? Then he'll be ordering it so fast.... ;) But..... you know it's not just the name, right? If your boys are anywhere near when you do it, they are going to hoot and holler at some of the names he has for the moves and the things he says!
You are cracking me up!!!

Chris: They do well with there grades. I would say they are average. Lauren does really well in her CCD class. They are basically A and B students...They seem to be better with Language Arts like reading and not the best at math. That breaks my heart since math was my favorite subject and I just found it easy...Neither one really is overjoyed by math lessons...

Beth: Yes, thank you. I had a great day. Chris' baseball team won their game last night. Chris played really well as did the rest of his team..It was chilly out with the wind. But, the game went fast with alot of strikeouts and stuff...Snow in April seems strange. But, I guess some areas stay colder longer..Yeah, I got all those pushups today too..Luckily tomorrow is Rhythmic Step (which I love). I don't know if I would want to do another weight day tomorrow...

Ok, back to school!!!
Hey Kathy, do you remember the Wonder Years, and Winnie Cooper? She ended up going to Stanford, I think, and majoring in math, and she has written a couple of books geared toward middle/high school girls to help them like and "get" math better. Maybe your library has them. Here's an amazon link to them:


maybe it could help? Maybe Hottie will tell me it's silly! ;)

Chris, meant to comment on your GS comment..... I read some thread recently where someone said they don't like GS at all because it's darker, the music isn't great, and Cathe is very subdued. Maybe some of that comes into play for you. Though I haven't done any GS in what seems like a long time, I do pull those out for their stretches after STS workouts, I gotta' say. I was thinking that STS has probably actually become my most used Cathe weight workouts, since I came to the Cathe party sort of late.
I love coming to this thread - you guys always brighten my day!! Too funny, Beth and Chris! ;)

Hottie, thanks for the wedding update! Yes, you are an awesome shopper! Too bad your SIL is a poop. At least she lives far away, right? I've lucked out with SILs. They are both great, if a little too perfect! My MIL has her moments, but is always there for us when we need her. Aww, love the reunited with Evee story! Dogs are the best, aren't they? I take it you're her favorite? ;)

Beth, I wimped out on STS this time after two workouts, so you are doing great!! 182 push-ups? That's insane. Loved the Wonder Years!!

Kathy, I've said this before probably, but I really admire how you have the discipline to homeschool your kids. I could never do it! A's and B's are good. Will you homeschool them for high school? I loved math, too. Had the most awesome 8th grade math teacher that I still remember. So far, my kids are good at. Don't know if they really like it, but get A's so far.

Chris, I know - the haircut comments are priceless. Fun, you're doing Turbo Kick today! Oh, how sad about Greg's mother. That must have been so hard on the family. Oh, I hide my BBL from DH and the kids. I would never hear the end of it!! I hope you get it for your b'day! What Greg said is so like what my DH would say.

Well, I woke up feeling like crapola from this cold. Ick! Figured an extra hour of sleep would be better for me than a workout. Well, I couldn't sleep - should have just gotten up and done something light. My head feels like it weighs 50 pounds. So, no workout today. I may go out and walk some during lunch. Actually leave the building for a change!

Wow, I looked at our calendar for the weekend and we have absolutely nothing to do this Saturday!! Woo hoo!! No soccer games, no dentist appts., no nothing. So, I think I'll go get my hair cut and colored. I'll report on the kids' comments when I get home! ;) Sunday is the last day of CCD. Another woo hoo!! :) We have a soccer game on Sunday, but that's it. My mom wants to go to the cemetery to see my dad's grave and the marker she ordered since she hasn't seen it yet. I don't know why, but I'm reluctant to go. I guess it's an avoidance thing. I know I'll break down. But, we'll probably do that Saturday.

OK, must work....

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HI ladies..

Finished with GS chest and triceps and my muscles are achy now!! I bet I feel it tomorrow! NOw, time for lunch and a shower...

Beth: Yes, I remember the Wonder Years. I also remember seeing her on tv talking about her books. Thanks for the reminder and suggestion. I will check it out. My major problem is that they don't like it. I know they can do it. But, maybe the book has some motivational ideas too..

Joanne: Thanks for the kind words. We plan on keeping it up through high school. We are going to use Seton for our home study next year. They have a great Catholic based curriculum where they keep the records and testing results and there are teachers available for help/assistance..Then they will graduate with diplomas from Seton School..Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope the walk helps to clear out the yucks..We still have 3 more CCD classes...But, we are almost done...yeah!! We have about that much longer in our school year as well. I love it. That is why I start school in August. I like getting done with our lessons in May...

ok, time to get that shower and have some lunch. I gotta give those hard working muscles some protein fuel...
Joanne, sorry to hear you woke up feeling bad! And too bad you couldn't sleep. Did you get out for a walk? I'm thinking I may do that, but the weather here is pretty crappy. This may be the end of it.... we'll see!

I'm listening to a really scary podcast about the possibility of cell phones being so bad for us!!

Yea for a clear Saturday! We always love it when we have that ahead of us! And it probably happens much more rarely for you....

Kathy, I think those books may help with the enjoyment factor -- well, check them out.
Howdy! I woke up at 515a totally refreshed so I got out of bed and started my day. Was almost ready to start my workout at 630 and then I went back to snuggle in bed with my two monkeys (joe and evee). I decided to try and tackle some housework before I started working out which I'm glad to but then we discovered our bathtub is clogged. So, I was dealing with that in the morning. Drano Max is working but I think we need more. I ended up doing Circuit Blast. I'm getting better at it except where I'm not! I love burning calories by watching Cathe do the exercise. Then I walked Evee, thanked God we had a second bathroom, showered, and waited for an accident to clear so I could come to work. I realize I've been up at about for almost 6hrs now! I'm hungry!

Kathy -- that's so awesome that you had a good day! Someone just approached me about giving AP classes to homeschooled students. Have you ever heard of that? I guess the idea is that they wanted someone who was stronger in the field (AP Chem, Bio, Phys C, Calc A/B/C for me and APUSH and AP Eng Comp/Lang for Joe) teaching some of the classes so they could take the AP exam in May. I certainly think it would be interesting to have a small class of homeschool students. I always wonder if they are more disciplined or rowdier than public/private school kids. I guess I should look if there are homeschool networking web pages...what part of math do they have problems with? like is it the concept of an unknown in algebra, or proofs, or those word problem things. If you let me know what textbooks you use, I may be able to point you to something better suited for your kids. But you know, I just got my HS kid turned on to the idea of taking a statistics next year so he can be like Nate Silver (a baseball statistician guy) because I connected it to his insane ability to predict baseball stuff and he loves baseball...

Chris -- It's been a LOT better with MIL lately. It's eased up this year because she stopped asking for money from us. I don't know what exactly happened, maybe the house and the expenses that came with it, but she stopped calling for $$, and everything has been a lot better. As for SIL -- Joe never liked her a person, still doesn't really, but she's more of a stranger at this point to him. He definitely still is angry about what happened at our wedding and its mostly directed at HER. Frankly, I'm more upset with the "adults" who lied to protect her and then wouldn't admit to lying when we caught them. I have this saying that lying is important, but don't lie without a good reason and fess up when you're caught. When you violate those two things, I just get very angry. I'm so sorry about your MIL -- that must have been so hard on Greg and your whole family. Basic Step! i don't even remember how that one goes...I think I sold it a while ago. But man...I remember huffing and puffing on 4 inches (and about 40lbs ago!).

Beth -- Winnie actually got an incredibly bad ass phd at UCLA. I don't understand that level of math but apparently, it's pretty decent. I actually didn't realize she made those books...smart marketing. I have this dream of making a hottiescientist line of textbooks...Joe still has a special place in his heart for GS. It's what turned him on to Cathe actually. He hasn't ever been able to get past the third week of STS...I keep on telling him to jump to hypertrophy because its more of what he likes, but oh well, what do I know?

Joanne -- yeah, i'm pretty happy we're across the country and several time zones away! that's what I tell myself when I get trapped with family I don't always care for. I hope you feel better enough for your hair appointment on Saturday!! If I can survive the next two weeks, I'm thinking of not coming in during graduation and going straight to the SD Wild Animal Park since I had to nix that after the Cathe RT due to my massive headache. But it's like in three weeks! That's how far ahead I have to look for a free day and I don't even have kids! But man, we've only been gone for a bit and I feel like the house is back to being a mess and I have a thousand things to do. It's just insane (and WRONG).

Ok...off to harass another grad student, set up something else, and then pick up some Togos for lunch...
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Hey girls...

My freakin computer was on the fritz this morning. I should say, comcast was on the fritz. Even our phone service was f'd up. The only thing it screwed me up on is I really really need to do some continuing ed for my nursing license renewal , which is due before my birthday. I do procrastinate, I know. You wouldn't know I had 2 yrs to complete it and I'm doing it (well only 1.5 credits, I already have 13.5 done) the last week!!!!

I did end up doing PUB, UPPER only w/ abs (did maybe 2 or 3 of the pikes at the end, otherwise subbed roll ins) and then did 30 minutes of Turbo Kick, Round 30. Damn, that is so fun! I just find myself pushing it hard because I LIKE it! do you do that too, Joanne?

Went to TJ Maxx and bought a top for Saturday. It's funny, I'm walking around and I'm so drawn to cute workout clothes, not blouses or sweaters! I had to drag myself away from the Red Sox sweatpants and the Nike hooded jersey. :eek:

Beth: We are going to get SOOOO drunk when we meet, because you owe me SO many beers!!! :eek: STS Chest. I do remember those push ups! The second time around wasn't so daunting, though, becuz I knew what was coming, kindof sortof. ..... Is very curious what YOU pay for a cut!! .. Wanna hear something really bad? I didn't tip this time. I felt robbed! I feel guilty now though. ...... Interesting about GS being described as "dark". LOL! I like it. Maybe that is the reason. I'd much prefer STS....

Just want to say, I LOVE MATH, always have, and always did good in it! Nothing like a good long algebra problem! LOVE THEM!

Joanne: Oh ick ick ICK on the icky head and congestion! I hate being sick!!! Are you popping Vitamin C or Ziacam? .... Greg's mom killed herself before any of our kids were born. Pretty devastating. Esp since she had been away a good year, and we hadn't seen her. :( And oddly and sadly enough, his dad died in a scuba diving accident. Tramatic stuff.

Kathy: I give you HUGE credit for your children's good grades! That's amazing. You should be very proud of yourself and them!! ... I think the socialization in school screws up the kids grades.. (as evidenced by the D in Science that Zach just brought home! GRRRRR!)

Hottie: Hope your tub is ok! Nothing like getting it done yourself and not having to pay outrageous price for a plumber!! ... Family issues suck. At least Joe feels similiar to you about his family and it's not a problem between the 2 of you. that makes a huge difference! It is a lucky thing they live clear across the country!

Boys are home and I have to run Jake to get a haircut before supper!!!!! Busy times!!!
Well, then, Chris, we need to meet soon! :D

That is so sad about Greg's parents! When you first mentioned it I had hoped that maybe it was just that she was very old and maybe in pain or something, but it doesn't sound like was the case.

Oh, and when we meet up and I've had a few of the beers that you're going to buy me (!), I'll tell you how much I pay for a haircut! ;)

Hottie, oh yes, now that you mention it, I knew it was UCLA! Oh well. Sounds like you have had a crazy day. How's that bathroom situation???

Well you guys, I'm completely dreading back/tri tomorrow, but I think it must be some sort of STS rebellion in me, because I was just trying to figure out what other back/tri work (Cathe or non-Cathe) I could do instead, and then I just thought.... I should just do it! I don't know what I'm going to do! I guess I'll see what I'm in the mood for when I get up, but that's sometimes dangerous you know!

Well, do I get the cupcakes tonight????
CUPCAKES! :eek: :eek:

I could eat a dozen right now, so , no , Beth, they're MINE! :p

Greg has always been the one to bring the boys to the barbers for their haircuts. I used to bring them to my hairdresser when they were little. Anyhow, I'd never been to the barbers. It's a "first come first serve" after 3p, so when we walked in , there was 3 old men waiting. And more came in! I was in a room with all LOM!!!! And it was kind of, well, stinky , in there. And we had to wait about an hour for the cut. It was torturous!! ... The barber, though, was cute as could be! He had a head full of white hair and a salt and pepper mustache. Looked JUST like a REAL BARBER!

Anyways, I was tramatized with all those LOMs!!

I think you should go for STS. Triceps are a BLAST!!!!! Come on, Beth, do STS!!! DO IT!!

Okay, deal, you buy me beer AND tell me how much you pay for a haircut! I tell you no secrets...
and they were all clowns in a previous life!!! :eek: It sounds like a terribly torturous afternoon, except for the barber himself. I cut my boys hair to save that torture.

STS, really? I was pretty sure I was going to go for BBL BB and H&T combo. Ug. We'll see!

$165 :eek:
hey beth, I'll do your hair for $165...and CUPCAKES!

nom nom

I thought about doing a yoga workout but I'm much too busy with housework. How did it get this messy so quick? And I CLEANED so much before we left so we could avoid this. One good note...tonight is beauty night...where I do my at home facial, lip, and hair treatment and I got to scare joe in the part where I had my face and lip mask on so I look like...a CLOWN. Got a nice eek out of him...

Until tomorrow!

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