Good morning/afternoon!
Yep, so it's TOM so I'm going through the roller coaster of hormonal emotions plus fatigue. BUT! I had an awesome workout -- I did Athletic Step up to that evil bonus challenge thingie at the end of the finished combo and then I put in Skinny Sculpt from Ellen Barrett that I got yesterday! (I got Skinny Sculpt, Slim Scuplt, and Mary gave me Pick Your Level Pilates -- one of the cheaper Ellen Barrets but I won't knock it). It was pretty decent. I had 3lb sculpting balls at first but my shoulders were too weak and I managed to remember where Joe tossed my old 2lb dumbbells. funny how one pound makes such a difference. The only thing I didn't really like was that the ab work focused too much on obliques. I don't know what it is but oblique work never seems to challenge me...I need to work on the front full abs I guess. But workouts really put in oblique work...Now, beth is thinking, hey I saw you -- you do not have rocking obliques but I think underneath all that flub must be something strong. You know that CLX AB burner thing where you do the oblique side to side with a dumbbell. I can handle that with 12 lbs...but sit ups? hell no. So I think I'm just going to have to do sit ups until I really can do a lot of them one day on my own...
Kathy -- eek! GS legs! Have fun! i can't believe april is over either...I need to so much more work in lab!
Chris -- good for your for getting that run done! I officially decided to outsource some of cleaning. I went onto craigslist and found someone with reasonable prices and am hoping to get a hold of her to do a deep clean of my house. I just can't go to work do a ton there, exercise, taking care of all the finances, evee, joe, etc. and have enough time to really clean. I've always been a little wary of hiring someone else to do work I should be doing or will they even do it the way I want it, but my sister once told me that even if they don't get in as deep as you want them too, it just makes it less work for you to do it later. And i'd rather give more money to one single person than a chunk to an agency so cross your fingers that I can find someone..and then I'll send them to you!
Beth -- so ok with BBL...have any of you measured if your butt has been lifted? Yes, I know too geeky, but I'm just curious. Oh I thought of you because Christopher titus has a show near my house tonight. I didn't buy tickets but I was thinking if we were in the mood maybe we'll buy them at the ice house. I have to make sure it's not the same show though...
Joanne -- OMG if we didn't share our personal lives I don't think I could stick to a check-in. In fact, all the people who only talk about exercise in their check-ins seem a little foreign to me. But, I'm a chatty (hottie) cathe.

Yeah, you guys have enabled me into buying more DVDs. Though I love it when people say "whoa, you have so many" and I think about you guys! I only have a fraction! Actually, our spending has been wayyy too up lately. And we're going to lose our tutoring income sources (though I may be able to pick up a person or two in the summer) so I have to sit down with Joe about how to handle the next couple months. I want him to do more OT at work because it'll bring in the $$ and make him look good at work but we'll see. We're still dealing with our own personal stuff so sometimes it makes it hard to make the "business" decisions. Oh well -- see, there I go again! Personal blab blab!
Ok, I'm going to try and be ambitious at work today since I was so exhausted and virtually did nothing yesterday...the person that I usually have to share with is not here working on her talk for later this afternoon so I may be able to do it leisurely as well...