Hi ladies!
Kathy, have fun with your cardio workout and field trip!
Beth, oh, what a horrible feeling. Waking up realizing you forgot something like that. So who was the lucky one who got to sleep in past 5:00?
OMG, our 5th grade homework is crazy, too. We get home at 8:00 and Colin still had homework to do. He didn't get to finish it before his soccer game. He's already in a state because DH told him they had a horrible game. Oh, I was fuming! Why would he say that? Colin took it personally that he had a bad game and was crying. I talked him through it and told DH not to say anything else, you'll just make it worse. Colin normally plays great, he just seemed to have a bad day yesterday, plus the other team was really good. They lost 4-0. That stuff doesn't usually bother Colin, he does his best, but doesn't really get upset if they lose. Anyway, we get home, he has three spelling pages, four math pages, has to study for a social studies test, and has to study for the spelling bee. Ugh!! Meanwhile Caitlyn has one page of homework and has to study for a test on maps. Well, they give her a study guide without the answers. Fine, you'd think a 1st grade test would be pretty simple. They were all simple questions, but one was what is a map view? I don't know!! She was literally in tears because she was going to get it wrong. I mean I know what it is, but how to write it in 1st grade terms? So, I calm Colin down and he gets his homework done around 10:00. We went over some spelling words. Not a fun night.
Beth, yea, I was thinking if we keep doing STS this way, each Meso will be less than a month. I'll probably do #4 Monday and #5 Wednesday. I know you're doing it a bit different. I saw the list of exercises for #4 and those push-ups scared me!
Chris, those Plyos do sneak up on you! 7:00 am is sleeping in for me, too! I actually can get close to 8 hours if I do that.
Today I did the original Tonique, but didn't do the mat stuff at the end. Ran out of time. I'm thinking next week of doing Insanity/STS/BBL. Don't know if I'll fit it all in, though. I think I need a bit of a break from Tonique! Although I did do three this week!
Have a dilemma tonight. Colin's spelling bee is at 6:30 tonight. Jameson's band concert is at 7:00. Can't be both places at the same time. I really, really want to see Colin in the bee and so does DH. Jameson said he doesn't care if we go to the concert and I really don't think he does. If it was a solo thing, it would be different. He hates band now and just wants it to be over. So, it looks like we'll be sending Jameson with a friend's family to his band concert and picking him up later. Why do I feel guilty? I know he doesn't care, but I feel bad that no one will be there. But I can't miss the Spelling Bee! It's a pretty big deal. Ugh! (again!) Tomorrow is another crazy day trying to figure out who will be where when and with who. Jameson is in a band competition about an hour away. They have a bus that takes them, but parents can come. Colin is in a soccer tournament and Caitlyn has a party to go to that conflicts with the tournament. I guess we are lucky that Ian doesn't really do any activities except basketball which is over!
Hottie, hope things have settled down there and you are having fun!
Have a good day all!