April 10 Check in Friday 16th**************


Good morning ladies...

The DOMS are getting better...The hamstrings were the worst yesterday. Today is Gym Style back, shoulders and biceps...If time permits, I may try to add a little cardio..

Depending on the weather, the kids want to ride their bikes again today. So, that is on our agenda for this afternoon...

Talk to you all later..
Hey Kathy! Hey Everyone!

It's supposed to be raining right now, but the sun is peaking out and it looks nice out. SUpposedly the rain "is coming" and will last all weekend AND some places will be cold enough to get snow showers. Nice 2 days to have to work/sleep, I guess!

HSTA is on schedule today, but I'm not feeling it. I'm going to do a circuit premix from SJP & SB instead! And then I'm off yet again, to the grocery store. Blech!!!!

Kathy: Enjoy your workout today AND hope you get in a bike ride!

Good morning! Sheesh, Kathy, it seems like you've done more than three GS workouts this week -- does it feel that way to you? ;)

Chris, snow?! And, OSIF! Hope you enjoy your circuit mix.

I did Tonique 2.1 this morning -- theoretically the easiest one. It was really hard in some places (comparable with the others), but there were moments that were "easier", so I guess that's true, but I didn't really feel it at the time. I had to cheat a lot of the reps. But, I did three in one week! Turns out I burned more calories with the discs from 2 than from the original, fwiw, but all three clock in right around 500 (over the the disc 2s, just under for original).

I had another crap night of sleep with strange dreams. Party day today and he convinced me to let some of them sleep over. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow.....

Hope everyone has a great day! Joanne, it's Friday!! Hi Hottie!
Hey again!

I did Premix #17 from SJP & SB, which ended up being cardio from SB, followed by all the weights from SJP. I thought it was going to be circuit. Not. oh well, it got done and I sweat like crazy!!! I was so drilpping!!!

Beth: I'm SUPER proud of you for getting all your Toniques in this week!!!!! YOU DID IT! Now you're going to do this again next week? .... Oh , sleepover. I bet that request is coming for next week here with spring vacation. I really do not like sleepovers. They take too much of my energy and they never sleep so I can't sleep!.... I feel pretty good today, but my sleep also sucked last night. The freakin cat paws at the window blinds in the middle of the night. I THOUGHT it was because she wanted food, but there was food out, so it was just to annoy me. Little biotch! SO I made her wait longer for her breakfast this morning. Good for me, right? She had no clue. I'm an idiot. Cat wins. .... Wish I was coming over for cake and party tonight!!! What kind of cake are you having?

hey do you guys have any advice on switching up my eating? I pretty much eat the same foods day in and day out, the same way. Although they're healthy, do you think there's any chance my body is so used to it, it doesn't change and drop weight? I'm just so freakin frustrated with the scale. And my jeans don't really seem any looser either.

Just wondering if you had any thoughts on that. maybe I'll ask over on OD if I have timelater..

*waves* to Joanne and Hottie!!!

better get going!
Hi ladies!!

No workout today. Dropped Jameson off at school at 6:30am. It was weird. I was all dressed and ready to go to work once I got home and still had an hour before DH got home. I'm used to running around like a mad woman trying to get ready to go and everyone up and fed, etc. I guess if I didn't workout in the mornings, things would be much more relaxed. But, I have to, it's my only time! I was thinking of running during lunch, but my leg is still kind of funky and I don't want to aggravate.

It was weird dropping Jameson off this morning...I actually got teary-eyed. What's that all about?? They're not even staying over, they'll be home around 7:00 tonight. It's the first time he's been so far away without one of us, I guess. It's about a two-hour drive. They are playing for someone at the Univ. of Wisc., I think, or some college there! Kind of like a workshop. Then going to the Discovery Center and then to the Jelly Belly factory. I'd like to go there!

Beth, hope the party goes well! I'm not crazy about sleepovers, either. Ian already asked to have one tonight. Fridays are tough. It's the last day of the week and I'm always exhausted when I get home. I told him to ask DH - a copout, I know!! Then, they usually sleep in the basement, which means no workout. Wow, congrats on conquering Tonique this week!! I love your idea of rotating STS upper body with it. That would work out great. Hmmm....

Chris, great workout!! That must have been long. Was it all the SB cardio? I had to laugh at your cat situation! I heard they can be a bit conniving!! ;) Tully seems to know exactly when it's 6:15, the time she usually eats. If she sees that her food is not happening on time, she gets all in a tizzy and starts "talking" to you. Growling and barking. I wish I had an answer for your food question. Do you track your calories? Maybe you're not eating enough? Or too many calories, even though they're healthy. What about staggering calories? Like one day you eat high, the next lower. When I was on Weight Watchers, there were people who did that and said it helped to break a plateau. I've been eating better for three weeks now and have seen a slight drop in the scale, but nothing proportionate to the ravaging hunger in my belly. ;) OK, slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean! I think part of it is our age - it really is harder to lose weight now. Ten years ago it seemed so easy once I got into the groove of it. I think it might help to switch some of the foods you are eating, too. Once your body gets used to something, it adapts to it. Change it up and maybe you'll see changes. It's just all very frustrating!!

Kathy, hope you have good weather for a bike ride. You do seem to be doing a lot of GS!!

Hottie, good to "see" you!!

Gee, I seem to be back to my usual chatty self....;)

Have a good day all!!

Are we going to be chatty today? I like it!

Chris, I did hear a podcast one time that said that if you always eat the same thing for breakfast then take one week and eat something different for breakfast every day and that'll help break a plateau. ??? Who knows?! I know for me, I'm going to start working the veggies and fruit back in again -- massive quantities, I mean. I have been going crazy on the sugary stuff in the last couple of weeks and it's got to stop. It is sooooo much harder in the 40s than it used to be!! It's like it just won't budge no matter what, isn't it?

Joanne, what a crazy morning! I hope it's a fun day for Jameson. I think you should just take it easy today and take care of that hip! So funny about the grumbling tummy.

The cats can drive you nuts, can't they? I wonder if there's a bird out there that wakes up that time every morning? That seems a little early though.

You know, the goal of three toniques in one week seemed so hard, but once I jumped in, it really wasn't that bad, so yes, I think I will try it again next week. I'm treating them as my cardio, if you hadn't figured that out.

Oh, the birthday cake.... his choice.... he wanted a Baskin-Robbins with chocolate cake and mint chip ice cream.... hopefully the other kids will like that. The sleepover.... yeah, I told him we had to ask Daddy about it, thinking that Larry would want some peace and quiet after the party, but Larry right away said "I'm for it!" Ug! That'll teach me. Larry has this theory that we don't have kids over often enough and that our kids are going to start hating it here because they never have anyone else to play with. So, he's on a kick to get kids here more often. I predict that by tomorrow morning he'll have worked up a new theory.....

I really ought to get going. The big activity for the party is that I bought a bunch of new outdoor toys -- a croquet set, a giant airplane, stomp rockets, etc. -- and I'm going to hide them. So, the first activity is finding all those things, and then they'll just play with them. That's all that's planned. I'm going to give them one clue for the first thing and then there'll be a clue for the next thing with everyone they find. I've mapped it out so they have to run way across the property -- back and forth and back and forth -- to find the stuff so that they are kept busy and get worn out! Hope it works!! But I have to get all of that done!!
Beth, can I come to the party?? That sounds like fun! Great idea hiding everything and making a scavenger hunt out of it. The boys will love it. OH, and that cake - my favorite!! :) I think Tonique is kind of weirdly addicting, isn't it?? When I did the first one, I was dying, but at the end I felt so accomplished. I'm thinking I should let Jameson and Colin have a friend sleep over tonight to get it all over at once! Otherwise, the next day I'll have one of them asking to have someone sleepover cause Ian got to have someone sleepover.

I'm starving....didn't bring my lunch...what to have???? Maybe Subway. It's only 11:20 - I have to hold out a bit longer.

Hottie, shopping challenge for you, if you have time. I bet you've never looked for this before! Potato guns for kids. Yep, potato guns. Every year when we go to Michigan, DH likes to bring something for all the kids to play with. One year we did the potato guns and they had a blast. I found them online for just a couple dollars each. We get about 30, cause there are a bunch of kids there. Last year he got these foam sword things. Um, no, didn't work out so well. Thirty kids hitting each other with swords - not a good thing. So, he wants to go back to the potato guns. I just searched briefly, but the ones I did find were over $5. Not spending $150 on potato guns. Any potato gun sources?? ;)
joanne...you're...evil.....dragging me from depths of frustrating science and husbands with a shopping challenge?!!??!

well, you may be an angel, not sure.

I will look...but i seem to recall building my own with pvc piping when I was in college (stop laughing). but it sounds like you want something in bulk....

(I will get back later...I'm working so not hard that i really should but I need to thaw out these samples to load a gel first)
Ok.... now we know the secret! When we want to hear from Hottie, we need to come up with some crazy shopping challenge!! ;)

Hiding the presents and sweeping the arena has worn me out!! And I'll bet I'll have to race back and forth with them at least a little bit for the scavenger hunt.

Joanne, arrange that extra sleepover.... in for a penny, in for a pound, I say. We only have one boy staying over so far, and personally, I'm bummed. If I'm going to do that sort of thing, I want to do it big and get it overwith for a while!!
Hottie, have to run to a meeting, but just wanted to say YOU ROCK WITH AWESOMENESS!!! :) Thanks!! :)

Beth, you're right, get it all over at once! It's our turn for the other boys anyway. Both Jameson and Colin have been to sleepovers there and we haven't reciprocated yet. Same thing with Ian's friend.

Gotta go...
Hey All...

Just puttering around here, laundry, cleaning. Fun fun! It STILL isn't raining here. Not that I'm complaining, but I hope they're wrong about the weekend and the cold/snow too! They canceled Zachs baseball practice tonight, but I'm thinking maybe they didn't need to?

Joanne: I understand how you'd feel dropping Jameson off too. It's a long long day! Isn't he going to the private school next year too? You are going to need therapy!!! .... Nice you got to come home and relax for a little. .... Oh , no the SJP/SB Premix wasn't the entire SB cardio. It was the first 3 combinations. It was fun! But I kept waiting for the stop point to do weights, and it never came ! I was tired! LOL!.... Pets sure can be pains in the you know what, can't they? Samantha just got done pawing at me (with a few nails out) so I'd pet her. Think she's saying she's sorry? Not. She's a cat! .... You're probably right about my age and metabolism. But I really kicked up the workouts the last 2 weeks with this rotation! And it pisses me off that the scale is peaking! I track my calories over at Sparkpeople, and I have exceeded my calorie intake for 2 weeks. And that's a change for me. I'm not overly hungry either (well, I'm always hungry, that's a given). Damn getting old and damn stress eating! :p. I guess it wouldn't hurt to shake up my eating a bit. I'll try it next week.

Beth: Definitely will try the change up breakfast next week! It's do-able! that birthday cake sounds soooo good! My birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and I'm sooo psyched for my cake!!! Plus Greg took the day off, and I think we're all going to go to see Iron Man 2, on my birthday!!!! AND go out to dinner, AND get cake and presents!!! . What a fun birthday party for tomorrow! I can send my boys to sleep over if you want ;).

Joanne: Potato guns are safer than foam swords? What the hell is a potato gun? do you shoot potatoes?

Hottie: There you are! Love that you came to help shop!!!! Your head does need a break from science! You need us!!

zach is home. Oh, I didn't tell you guys. the other night he was asking about if there was any mention of the 8th grade dance in the newsletter. i said no, not that i remembered. He then told me he was planning on going, with a bunch of his guy friends. THEN , he told me he had asked a girl, but she had said "no". OMG, I felt so bad! I said, "Do you want for me to go beat her up for you?" Of course he said no :confused: , but he was so nonchalant about it. He said, "She said no because she's going with a bunch of HER girl friends". Why does it make me feel so bad he got rejected? :confused:
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Chris, potato guns shoot out little pieces of potato (check out Hottie's links). The swords hurt! As we learned when kids started whacking each other and screaming. I personally think the guns are gross, but we're all out in the woods during the rafting day and the birds and other creatures probably loved us when we left all the potato pieces. Jameson is going to a catholic high school next year. It's just a mile away, so not much difference. But he's planning on applying to the Illinois Math and Science Academy for his sophomore year. It's only a three-year high school. He would live there during the week. That's exactly what I was thinking when I dropped him off! How am I going to handle it if he goes to this school? It's about an hour away. I thought I was OK with it, but I'm not sure I am. Oh, poor Zach. I know how you feel. If I hear someone hurt my kids or said something mean, you just want to go find them and wring their necks! Wow, good planning for your birthday! So, what kind of cake?? We need the important details! :)

I'm bummed...today was Family Friendship Day at school and I had to miss it. My time is really low at work between my dad and my eye stuff a couple months ago. When I asked for time off for Colin's spelling bee, my boss was not happy and told me to watch my time. :( Well, I'm glad I went, cause he won, but I'm trying not to take any other time off before our vacation in July. DH went, but he had to rotate between Caitlyn's and Colin's classrooms. It sucks trying to juggle this work/family stuff.

Have a good weekend all if I'm not back..

Jameson is considering going to IMSA!?!?!?!??! Holy crap -- I didn't realize how awesome Jameson was! If you want, I know a couple people who went to IMSA. I don't think I talk to any of them regularly now but i'm sure they could respond to an email or two if you had questions about what it was like (or if Jameson did). Wow...Joe and I would totally dream about going to schools like that. My mother would never EVER let us leave the house and Joe's mom didn't have the means and wasn't really an apply to finaid kinda person (Joe only went to Caltech because Caltech DID his finaid app for him and gave him a more than full ride). Oh, it's a fantastic experience for them Joanne -- don't be worried (too much), IMSA gives a fantastic foundation in Math and Science and the environment is so small that they have time to look after them all. I'm not sure how well I woulda done sometimes in a place like that but wowee....not that I could help that much but if he wants help with getting in, I'll help!

Chris -- yeah, shopping deals (and IMSA!) get me chatting again. zach's story made me think about my junior prom. The guy I had asked told me two days later in the middle of me taking a make up exam after school that he wasn't going to go with me so I went and asked someone else...my mother and my sister were completely shocked but I was like, I don't want to be one of those people who didn't go so I'm going to have to make this happen. But now I'm probably a bit mortified to ask a guy out. that and I'm still married. I'm with you on the scale...I've just been eating like crazy, noshing and the new guy brought donuts!!! DONUTS!!! I didn't even have a chance to work out today so pooped and trying to get in early. I need Imax2 salvation.

Beth -- so should I just start driving up for the sleep over? I could be there...what 5-6 hrs if I go 85? I'll bring video games!!! Hey, I'll even bring a superior fosselman's version of the BR cake. Joe likes ice cream cakes too. I made one one year but then he bitched about it so it's BR and Carvel from now on if he wants ice cream cake. Though I will admit, we use bdays as "celebrate coupons from the internet mailing list day." my favorite? Hottest freaking day of the year, Joe and I sitting in our bedroom with the A/C blasting in our undies eating FREE coldstone. It's tastier when it's free!

Kathy -- you've been doing GS all week right? Lots of DOMS!!!

Ok, did I make up for some of the hole I created with my absence? :)
Hottie, wow, how cool that you know people who went to IMSA!! We went to an orientation there a few months ago and I loved the place. I was wishing I was 14 so I could go! Just awesome. And the kids were so incredibly polite and well-mannered. Obviously they were all on their best behavior, but sometimes you can just tell a good kid, ya know? They were the ones giving the tours. I go back and forth about him going, but ultimately it's his decision. If he decides to apply (which as of now, he is), I'll do whatever I can to help him. I've been feeling torn about it cause whenever I mention it to some of the moms I know from school and stuff, they say, wow, I could never do that, send my kid away. Make me feel weird, not guilty exactly, just like should I encourage this? Am I making him grow up too fast? But, it's such an opportunity for him. And, yes, he is awesome! At least I think he is, but I'm biased. ;) Thanks for the offer of talking with your friends. I'll definitely keep it in mind. We have awhile before we would apply, the apps are due in February, I think.


nononononono -- Joanne, don't feel that way! I mean, I don't have a kid so I don't know but I cannot describe what a leg up IMSA students had on a good chunk of us. Their education was SOLID. and if I recall correctly, IMSA had the least snootiest of the big name schools at Caltech -- like normal incredibly bright people. And frankly, a lot of the kids I know who went away in HS were the most mature people I met. Oh geez -- I'm like super excited for Jameson! How weird is that!? Jameson is so cool -- tell him I said that. ;)

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