Man, its only 12 and its been a crazy day so far!
Woke up super early to get into work super early. Go there -- went to start one experiment that would take a while and before really setting it up, I realized that one of the items I need that I borrow from another lab was running low and when I go there next it looks like if I use it, there won't be enough for someone in the other lab to use it which I hate doing. So I ditch the experiment and I go order some so I can do it later this week. I meant to go make media but I couldn't find the compound and wouldn't find out until hours later because everyone in my lab are late people besides me *and* my boss is out of town and possibly may not come in today so everyone is super flaky. Anyway, I start downloading tons of papers for this new project because I can't trust my internet at home and blah blah blah just a thousand little things and then I promised my best friend I would drop her off to the medical campus so she can hand her thesis to one of her committee members, missed the exit which required a lot of backtracking and then managed to nearly kill myself on the 5N trying to get to my house in time so I can be here for the gas man to fix stuff!
It's been so long since I've exercised I'm afraid to! And Beth may have rain but its well over 90 where I am right now. If the morning is indicative of the rest of the day, its going to hit triple digits at home.
Ohh, in all of that - I bought myself a pull/push tower for me and my friend. Silver linings!
Beth -- that sounds like a wonderful time! Digestive enzymes getting a workout counts.
I never really paid attention to BB so I didn't know that! I wonder how much that hurts each other by putting similar items out around the same time. Cathe clearly has a sound following and BB seems to be the bigger umbrella. I would be *really* curious to see how many packages were sold against each other and all net profits (scaled to business size).
Kathy and Chris -- I love reading about you two doing the same workout. It always comes back to me the same way -- hard but love it! If we're doing ok by august, I want to buy STS for Joe's bday. Yes, its for me too, but I think it'll be perfect for Joe.
Vilma -- awwww about the sleep overs. I didn't have people over to my house at all as a child so I don't know what that's like. I don't actually like sleeping in places other than my bed and that's been like that since I've been a kid. I will drive out and drive back no matter how late if possible. But enjoy your break!
Hmm...clean eating...I remember what that was...