April 09 check in Monday 20th


Good morning ladies..

Just getting us started today..

It is rainy here..Today's workout for me is Disc 28 chest and back...

Be back later!!!
I'm baaaa-aaaackkkk! I saw the weekend thread -- very sparse, girls. :D How is everyone?! I had a great time. I didn't say much about the trip -- the excuse for the trip was my mom's birthday, which was yesterday, but the real reason for it was to surprise my sister, who turns 50 in early June. It's about 50 days 'til her 50th, so we did a big celebration for her and I sent her away with 50 things to open -- one each day -- leading up to the big day. So we had ten women together -- my sisters and their daughters, and two of our cousins. We had so much fun just yacking and laughing -- so many funny things our bellies ached from laughing so much. We are already planning another trip for next year.

I did not work out at all, unless you count the digestive enzymes that had to work extra hard for all the food that was consumed. ;) But today I did disc 20 -- legs. By that third triset my legs felt very shakey indeed!

Did I mention what I noticed about how BB and Cathe kind of leapfrog each other with similar announcements and releases? CLX and STS strength, and the Insanity cardio and STS cardio? It's probably just a coincidence, but it does sound like Insanity will release just ahead of STS cardio.

I'm feeling so behind on everything, but it's not bothering me too terribly much because I'm so happy from the weekend and my taxes and this trip are behind me, so I feel nothing too big looming. I've got to get on with getting our summer organized though! Swim lessons for the kids, etc......

Ok, babble, babble, babble..... I hope the rain is somehow enjoyable, Kathy. It's hot here -- in the 90s yesterday and today!

Beth: Wow, sounds like a wonderful trip!! How awesome!! Glad you had a good time..happy you had a safe trip and are back home again. We were warm yesterday at around 75 until early evening and the clouds came and some chilly air. Today is yucky. I was hoping to do some running today. Guess it will just be weights...
Hello Ladies :)

I can honestly say that I am not hosting any more sleepovers for some time:rolleyes:

Goodness gracious it seems as if my house last week was a hotel for kids :eek:since everyone was on spring break.

Thankfully school started back up today and I am slowly getting my house back in order. Reason for my absence online ;)

Kathy we have that cloudy weather here also and we are expecting some serious downpour with potential for tornadoes - oh joy! :confused:

Beth don't you just love those kinds of family visits? I'm one of 5 girls and when we get together its so much fun. Glad you had a great trip.

I finished up my workout this am and heading to my laundry room to do bedsheets and quilts.

Have an awesome day everyone

Vilma: I hear ya on those sleepovers..Lauren is having one for her birthday (May 2nd)....They weren't too bad last year..Hope I survive!!

Ok, finished with Disc 28..Ugh!! I don't know if I can go any higher on some of the weights. Next week is 90%...
Hey Girls!!

It's Monday! Yay!

I'm about to go downstairs and pull out Disc 28... Chest and Back. Heavy stuff!

Beth: Sounds like a very fun trip! Glad you enjoyed it!!

Kathy: That weather is heading our way , it's clouding up now, and the rain is supposed to hit in a few hours. Tonight, downpours and thunderstorms. I hope it clears out by tomorrow!! Will check back here (if I'm able) after Disc 27 to compare notes..

Vilma: Oh :eek::eek:!! I'm :eek: because we are JUST heading into OUR Spring Vacation with the boys! I have high hopes, but if things happen as they did Saturday, the little men in white coats will be coming for me!

Okay, I'm SOOOOOOO cleaning up my eating this week! Who's with me????? If I have any stray thoughts, the plan is to either 1. Brush my teeth STAT or 2. shove a piece of gum in my mouth!!!!
Man, its only 12 and its been a crazy day so far!

Woke up super early to get into work super early. Go there -- went to start one experiment that would take a while and before really setting it up, I realized that one of the items I need that I borrow from another lab was running low and when I go there next it looks like if I use it, there won't be enough for someone in the other lab to use it which I hate doing. So I ditch the experiment and I go order some so I can do it later this week. I meant to go make media but I couldn't find the compound and wouldn't find out until hours later because everyone in my lab are late people besides me *and* my boss is out of town and possibly may not come in today so everyone is super flaky. Anyway, I start downloading tons of papers for this new project because I can't trust my internet at home and blah blah blah just a thousand little things and then I promised my best friend I would drop her off to the medical campus so she can hand her thesis to one of her committee members, missed the exit which required a lot of backtracking and then managed to nearly kill myself on the 5N trying to get to my house in time so I can be here for the gas man to fix stuff!


It's been so long since I've exercised I'm afraid to! And Beth may have rain but its well over 90 where I am right now. If the morning is indicative of the rest of the day, its going to hit triple digits at home.

Ohh, in all of that - I bought myself a pull/push tower for me and my friend. Silver linings!

Beth -- that sounds like a wonderful time! Digestive enzymes getting a workout counts. ;) I never really paid attention to BB so I didn't know that! I wonder how much that hurts each other by putting similar items out around the same time. Cathe clearly has a sound following and BB seems to be the bigger umbrella. I would be *really* curious to see how many packages were sold against each other and all net profits (scaled to business size).
Kathy and Chris -- I love reading about you two doing the same workout. It always comes back to me the same way -- hard but love it! If we're doing ok by august, I want to buy STS for Joe's bday. Yes, its for me too, but I think it'll be perfect for Joe.
Vilma -- awwww about the sleep overs. I didn't have people over to my house at all as a child so I don't know what that's like. I don't actually like sleeping in places other than my bed and that's been like that since I've been a kid. I will drive out and drive back no matter how late if possible. But enjoy your break! :)

Hmm...clean eating...I remember what that was...

Just finished Disc 28!

! Heavy Heavy Heavy and 4 ROUNDS! Pooped me OUT!

It's funny, my sister came over on Saturday. Now she's always been a power walker, intervals type of walking, but never did weights. She's going to Weight Watcher meetings, and they are pushing weight training as well as the cardio. She asked me advice about weight videos and asked me what I was doing. Ummm...I showed her the STS Discs & told her I'm back rowing 84 POUNDS!... :eek: As I gave her a Tamilee Webb video "I Want That Body" with 3-5 lbs to start. I guess I've come a long way....

Hottie: What a crazy day! I hate when things don't work out the way you see them in the morning. But at least you did get there for the Gas man! Did you get Cathe's Push/Pull Tower? VERY cool that you'll get STS in a few months!! You are going to LOVE it! Maybe we could all start a round together then too! How cool would THAT be?!?!?

Okay, I must go shower and cook for da boyz..... See you guys later!
No rain here!! It's in the 90s, here, too.... even at the beaches -- no relief! It was Kathy's rain I commented on.

Chris, I'm with you about trying to clean up the eating!! And yes, you've come a long way -- isn't it cool to see it?

Crazy here -- three boys fighting. I'd better give them some attention.....


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