~*APRIL 09~*Check-In for 4/29

Hey Chris!! Thanks for starting our thread today..I didn't get on the computer first thing this morning like usual..

Today's workout is plyo legs Disc 32!! Looks like rain here today too..

Be back later!!
Today is Week #3 Plyo Legs...

I'm not sure if I'm "up" for it. I'm having some kind of sinus/headache issues the last few days. Monday night I woke with such a bad headache getting Zach's blood sugars. I drugged myself up with Sudafed Headache and Advils. Yesterday I just felt all hungover-ish.

I just have some pressure or something going on in my head today, not a big headache, just a "feeling". And I'm tired..

So Plyo Legs might not be as "fun" as it was last week for me! :eek:

The nice hot 90 weather has dropped to high of 62 today!! I'll miss it!

BIG WAVE to Kathy! How ya feelin about Plyo today????
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Good Wednesday Morning Chris, Kathy & All who follow!!!

No planned workout for me as its my 'official' rest day.

Tomorrow is my dh's 43rd birthday and he took the day off up to Saturday. So w/ him being home it will be a bit difficult to start the 3rd month of CLX which is the Lean phase. I plan on starting that phase next Thursday.

We have plans to spend the day at the beach on Friday since oldest dd is working Saturday.

BTW my dh told me my adding soft weights to my dumbbells was too ghetto ( his words) so he okayed the purchase of my paceweights :D

What a difference! They are so neat and awesome to micro load weight.

I have hinted at what I would like for my birthday/ Mother's Day gift so I hope I get a nice surprise ;)

I wanted to ask you guys about STS...... do you see them replacing your other Cathe weight workouts? Such as Slow & Heavy & Pure Strength series?

I know I can not afford STS anytime soon but I may be thinking about getting it sometime when I can save my pennies. Reason why I may consider selling some of my Cathe weight dvds. Would that be a good idea?

Well sorry for the 'me' post I was just wondering....I'll be going to the V.A. hospital w/ dh here soon & its almost a 21/2 hr drive to Durham. Gosh I cannot wait until we relocate to Raleigh next year God willing if everything goes well.

Hugs to all

Good morning, all. Chris, I saw your post from last night about the school issue -- sounds like a good plan. If I were in your shoes, I'd just be prepared for the teacher(s) to be on the defensive. The teachers I know on a more friendly basis all seem to be very intimidated by parent meetings, and I think that's a natural reaction on their part -- of course, my tendency is to over-compensate in too nice of a way, so maybe you should ignore me! :p Good luck with it!

Oh, and hope your sinus problem gets better and you enjoy plyo if you do it. This morning I did premix one of lowmax -- the first half basically. It took forever for my heart rate to get going, and it never did get very high, so that was disappointing. On the other hand, isn't our Cathe just mean and cruel sometimes?! Low max after sts legs! ;)

Vilma..... I don't have PS or S& H, so I'm not sure what to tell you on those specifically, but in general, I think you could probably part with some of your other cathe weight dvds and not miss them if you got sts. It really is such a great series, I think. I'm sure I will re-visit some of my other weights, but if I didn't have them, it wouldn't be a big deal to me. You might keep your eyes on vf forum for a trade ??????

Joanne, hope you are in a better space today!!! And Hottie, too, if you're reading this. We miss you! Ivy, yoooo-hooooo! I see your updates on fb at least......

We got a ton done on the garden yesterday -- the deer fence is in completely, and the lower beds are all filled with dirt and at least halfway planted. We need to build three or four more beds and then we are set. Dave tells me we will have peas in a month and tomates in 6 weeks. It's so cool when something comes together!!

Oh, did any of you spring for the slanted risers? I'm wondering if they're worth it -- they didn't really seem like it to me, but with going heavier, it seems the stability might be a good thing, plus I don''t think I get at as steep an angle without. Still want to order more risers and was wondering if I should get slanted at the same time -- don't really want to spend the money if it's not necessary.

Have a great hump day everyone!

Good morning ladies!!

Chris, OK, that sounds crazy - no homework at all? What grade is Zach in? How can the parents help the kids if they don't bring any work home? I can see maybe kindergarten with no homework, but not the upper grades. It seems like it sends a message to the kids that studying and doing work at home isn't all that important. That could be part of the problem. What if the kids get slammed with homework in the next grade - they won't be prepared. It would be interested to hear the teacher's philosophy on the no homework thing. Hope you are feeling better! Good luck with Plyo!

Beth, it must be so satisfying to see the "fruits" of your labor with the veggies! No, I didn't get the slanted risers, but I'm sure they would be good to have. I do get nervous on the incline stuff cause the risers don't seem secure. I'm sure especially in Meso 3 it'll be a bit unnerving. But, I just don't want to spend the $$ and also have to store another thing!!

Vilma, happy birthday to your DH!! I wanted to hear how you liked the Lean phase! Tell your DH you need to get in a workout so you can report back! JK. ;) I'm planning on doing the Lean phase after I finish STS. Mmmm, I'm not sure about needing Cathe's other weight workouts if you have STS. You certainly have everything you need weight-wise for workouts when you have STS, but it would be nice to still be able to pull out an old friend like Muscle Max every once in awhile! Cool on the paceweights!! So, what did you hint for for mother's day/b'day??

Kathy, have fun plyoing!!

I had a really hard time getting up this morning and almost slept in. I did get up and did The last Meso 2 leg workout. I added in the bonus work from Meso 1. I wanted to run during my lunch and forgot my workout clothes. :( I'm annoyed at myself!! Maybe I can sneak in a run after I get home. No, probably not!

BBL...have a good day!

I'm back!


Plyo #3 , DONE! :eek:

My head definitely feels a bit better after that one. I do like Plyo again, but some of those moves, I'm like, WHAT???. (One legged squat thrust jumps?, Jumping over the bench 2 feeted too, too scary for me with my new bench). Probably not THE best form on some of the plyo stuff, but my HR got UP there.

I did Total Body Stretch: Basic Stretch afterwards. I found that this one is very lower body focused, and I need it after Plyo and then running yesterday.

Hey Vilma!: What a nice stretch with DH it will be. Happy Birthday to him!! I like when Greg is off, and we have time together. If it's just one night, it's mostly just sleep and running around. The beach sounds like heaven to me! Have fun! Cool on the Pace Weights! I am WAY "ghetto" with how I add weights to mine, you should see me strapping on ankle weigths and hand weights to my barbell! LOL!... About replacing other weight workouts with STS. I haven't thought of doing STS workouts randomly before. I suppose you could! I definitely think they could replace S&H and PS as random workouts. Maybe even GS. I'm not so sure about MM and the other total body weight workouts. Those are kind of their own thing.

Beth: After reading Zach's report card more closely, i DID see a comment by his Science teacher, saying he is improving (just didn't do it in time before grades closed). so I guess that's ok. It's just the Math class that blows me away. Math is his FAVORITE subject. And he gets a 77? And the "MUST IMPROVE CONDUCT" comment. That is the teacher I'm going to contact. Yes, I think LowMax is more hard to do after STS Legs because it's SORE, not because it gets your HR up there. It's weird!... I just got the Slanted Risers with my Club Step purchase. I used them for the first time this week. Compared to what I had been doing (balancing my risers on my Reebok step), they are WELL worth it. And, you can store them on top of each other and they make one square (like 2 risers together). I'm pretty sure you can use them under each other like that for an extra set of 2 risers. I like em!

Joanne: Yeah, I've hated this "No HOmework" policy from day #1! And been bitching about it. He's in 7th Grade! Helllooo! What kind of college prep is NO HOMEWORK for anyone? It better change in 8th. The teachers he has now have found that "doing homework doesn't make a difference in how well they do academically". :mad: ...What a turn around to go from "almost sleeping in" to doing Meso 2 Legs! But you LIKE legs, dont you? Sorry you forgot your workout clothes for a run today ...

I had a slap in the face yesterday. Because the thermometer was dipping up into the 90's, I put on some shorts from last year: too tight :confused:. I know the scale has kind of stuck 5 lbs higher since Easter week, and I have to get my act together. I feel like I'm really getting "fluffier" in the middle, plus my thighs. That's it: I'm going to get down to it and stop making excuses for eating crap!!!(mostly on the weekends) :mad:
Chris, how the heck do you do one-legged squat thrusts?? I guess I'll find out in a few weeks! :) Jumping over the step always scares me, klutz that I am. I'm always worried I'll trip over it, fall and knock myself out and the poor kids will find me passed out! OK, maybe a bit farfetched ;), but not all that unlikely! I modify stuff like that. Have you been getting DOMS from the plyo workouts? I do like working legs. I'd rather do that than upper body work, but this morning I was thisclose to resetting the alarm! I'm sure other parents have complained about the no homework. Maybe their grades aren't affected, but they've got to be learning less or retaining less without any reinforcement of the stuff. And, not creating good study habits. Hmmm, I hadn't thought about the risers storing like that - one on top of the other. Must.not.buy!!! Oh yea, I went through my summer clothes last weekend. Depressing. I can get in most of them, but definitely tighter and some not wearable - can you say stuffed sausage? ;( ugh! So, I'm trying to cut back on the junk, too.

I forgot to tell you about Caitlyn's doctor visit. I should have gone!! DH did try to fill me in, but I think I learned more from Colin, who was with them. There are four doctors in the practice and DH got the one he doesn't like. She always asks the kids if we use car seats and feed them vegetables, no matter what they are there for. Doesn't bother me, but DH gets annoyed. She gave us a prescription for two epi-pens and is sending her for allergy testing for hazelnuts, peanuts, egg whites (??), and a few other things. It looks like it's just a blood test from the lab order. I guess she explained the difference between tree nuts and other nuts and how we should avoid all tree nuts (this I got from Colin!) DH thinks she's overreacting, but I don't think you can be too cautious with something that can be a life-threatening situation. I'll be glad to have the epi-pens. I don't know if we're supposed to use them if she just has a reaction like hives or only if it's a more serious reaction. That's something I would have asked. She also gave us a referral to go to the cardiologist. I knew it was time for her check-up, but I try to avoid thinking about it! Anyway.....

Hey all! On the plyo leg topic..... I did one just for grins I think during meso 1, and I think I forgot to tell you a funny story about it..... it had one of those jump up onto the step moves, and I guess it made a noise Gina's not used to and she started barking! (at 5ish in the morning!). Yikes! So now I'm always afraid to make loud noises with the step. :confused:

Chris, it sounds like you're feeling better -- that's great. On the shorts fitting..... you may remember that when I did FF's Dec. rotation I finally got into some skinny pants. I think that is the only time I've ever worn those pants! Stupid, I know, they should have been returned.... anyway, I've been feeling much leaner lately, so the other day I went to put them on, and ..... they were tight!!! In the legs and bootie. And I had just been reading a thread on vf forum about how STS makes the bootie rounder and higher, vs. barre workouts that sort of lean out the backside. Ug. I guess if I'm feeling leaner, I should stick with that feeling, but I'm afraid I have bulked some. Maybe that's the issue with your shorts???

Joanne, it is too bad you missed the dr. appt! It would be hopeless for me if I had to send Larry to an appt. like that -- I wouldn't learn anything! :D Egg whites apparently cause a reaction for some people -- maybe even if Caitlyn doesn't have a reaction now, she's just testing to see if there's some sensitivity to it -- I think the tests can show that. Good luck with the followups!

I think I will spring for the slanted risers -- I think I needed to add two sets anyway, so maybe I can count them as one set and not have to buy three, if that makes sense..... at least there is the 20% discount...... I keep looking for risers at play it again sports, but they just never seem to have them.

I'd better get back to cleaning/laundry/bills -- doesn't it seem like I'm always doing those things?!

I have a few minutes before we leave for Zach's baseball game...Got everything ready to go... well almost..

Joanne: Well, one-legged squat thrusts are done on ONE LEG :eek: with the other held behind you! Try one! LOL!... I have gotten MAJOR DOMS from both of the Plyo Leg workouts I did. As in walking like an old lady and wincing when I pee!! I tried not to push it TOO much today and see if it makes a difference. I kind of don't want THAT much pain tomorrow! ... Yep, stuffed sausage effect with my shorts too. *sigh*

Beth: OMG..that is funny about jumping on your step and your dog! You must have been shocked! YES!! I totally feel like my BUTT is rounder and bigger! I swear, I said to Greg the other day, kind of jokingly but not, "Does my ass look big while I ride my bike?"... and he said, "Why don't you ride your bike in front of me and I'll tell YOU, and then I'll ride in front, and YOU tell ME if MY butt is big". funny guy!... Ahhh...just buy the risers! You'll kick yourself if you don't!!

My legs are already twitching with soreness... Me thinks I'm putting on my old lady hat tomorrow....
Anyone see the freestyle training STS meso 1 rotation someone posted? In hopes of leaning out legs and lower body. Was wondering if anyone would want to try that or if you're just gung ho to get started on the 6 month. Kathy/Chris, do you think you'll want to do another round of STS in a month or so? I'm hoping to sync up with you guys. I'm also thinking that even though I'm supposed to have a recovery week next week, I'm not sure I really need it -- I can see how the six month (or five, I guess some people are doing) rotation would make sense.

They are talking about a school closure here because a girl at a high school in town has swine flu. That school is closed for the next week, and apparently some of our kids were down there earlier this week for an event (probably the track meet). Of course we're right in the middle of state testing, too!!


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