Anyone's back ever seize up during a workout?


This happened to me this morning doing deadlifts. I was lifting lighter than usual because my lower back was hurting the day before. Halfway thru the tape, (Iwas stretching thru-out) I was holding my barbell and took a deep breath and WHAM! total seizing of my middle back. WOW painful, things went dark, knees wobbly, felt faint. Sat down. Everything went away except the pain, felt like someone squeezing me way to hard. Hurt to take a full breath. Put heat on it and took nice hot shower. Late afternoon now and it just feels "bruised". I can walk, bend over, just sore feeling. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what did you do? Thanks, Kay
This has happened to me before. I would call it more like a spasm. I wasn't doing deadlifts - or even a back exercise - this has happened to me in the warm up. In fact- there were times when I was barely moving and BAM - sudden pain.

I'm by no means a doctor and I can't really give specific advice regarding back pain. But here are a couple of things I've learned: Use ICE not heat. In fact I have had doctors tell me not to even take a hot bath and to limit hot showers. You should apply ice to your back where it hurts - not directly though - cover an ice pack with a towel.

Stretching the back is important - there are many different stretches for the back - and they are well known and done often in workout videos. You probably already know a couple - and these will probably be fine - but stretch several times during the day.

My back pain was caused by sitting too often - I was told to lay down or stand - but stop sitting so much. Well - I sit driving into work, sit all day long at work, sit when I get home - exercise and then lay down to go to bed. So yeah, my day is full of sitting.

Hope this helps.
This just happened to me almost 2 weeks ago. All I did was stand up from my bench after doing the first set of rear delt raises in PUB and bam - out she went.

I know - it stinks and hurts like heck. Take the time you need for it to heal or you will just make it worse.

I hope you feel better!

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