Anyone watch Physical on Apple TV??


I keep seeing ads for Physical on Apple TV. Anyway, it looks interesting and I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it?? I don't get Apple TV but if it's a good show I might get it.

It's intriguing....a little dark and do wonder what's going to happen next!!!
Would you say it's worth watching/getting? The impression I got is that it's about a 1980's House Wife/Mom that teaches aerobics. Is that correct?
I watch it and it's so fun! It takes me back to the early 80's when I had the Buns of Steel tapes and did the Firm a lot. It's great to hear the music and see the choreography and how much it has changed.

The show also addresses bulimia, marriage, and other topics. Last night was a take on Color Analysis for your skin tone and I remember when that was big.

I have watched Physical and I have to warn people. There are some sexual scenes in it. And drug references. If you can’t stomach them, you shouldn’t watch it.

What I do like about it is what is going on in her head. I can’t believe how she talks to herself in the beginning. I didn’t know someone could think of themselves that badly.

What I do like about this is the belief is the power is inside you. And by doing something physical, you feel better and stronger. Also, it helps you get out of the “I hate myself” mantra and into “I am strong” frame of mind.

The only thing I have against this is there isn’t any training or plan about the aerobics she and the other woman instructs. It seems all you are jumping up and down without any purpose to it, except pumping your heart. There isn’t a Leg Day or Upper Day. It is just sweat, sweat. At the end they make it all about Sheila, the protagonist, and how easy it is to be an aerobics instructor. According to the show, you just have to get in front of people and move. But, this show fails to show how much education that an instructor has to have before going in front of everybody.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the workout scenes. But, this is far from reality.

Also, the main theme is women are supporting men in what they do. And if the woman doesn’t support the man, she feels like she is nothing. I don’t claim to be a feminist. I call myself an equalist. I believe a marriage should support each other and not one like here the husband. It seems in the beginning she attaches herself to this man. And if he fails, she fails. But, aerobics saves her.

There is one scene where her husband wants her to wait on him. The coffee scene. I couldn’t have been that submissive. He clicks his fingers and she has to come running. I would have never put up with this.

My thoughts, what is yours??

Jennifer Denny
I watch it and it's so fun! It takes me back to the early 80's when I had the Buns of Steel tapes and did the Firm a lot. It's great to hear the music and see the choreography and how much it has changed.

The show also addresses bulimia, marriage, and other topics. Last night was a take on Color Analysis for your skin tone and I remember when that was big.

I remember when they were talking about your colors. I was in the 7th grade, which was like 1990, and the teacher had a woman come in and show us the color wheel. And then what seasons you are in. I never had my colors done. I thought it had to be like when you were born. Boy, I was wrong. The lady had one of my classmates do a demo. What she did was put one color of material to her face. If the face looked rosey, that was one of your colors, if your face looked pale then it wasn’t your color.

I didn’t know that this was a fad. But, finding out later like this year it was like a Tupperware party was really interesting.

Jennifer Denny

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