Anyone w/ a comeback?

I like it.
I enjoy it.
It makes me feel like I've done something every day.
It's good for me.
I feel better about myself when I work out.
I only get one body and one shot at life- I want to live it.
It keeps me healthy now, and ensures if I keep at it I will be better able to stay healthy later.
My type I diabetes is under better control when I work out.
I like feeling that I'm doing something for myself.
It keeps me sane.
It's a stress reliever.
It's cheaper than therapy.
I know that I get an hour of quality me time every day.
I miss it when I don't do it.
Working out makes me feel proud of myself.
It's fun to see how many sweat drops I can get to fly off my face in an hour.
I feel extremely lucky that I can work out.
It took a year and a half to lose 45 pounds- I did it once, but I don't want to have to do it again!
It's something I enjoy and never feel guilty about doing.
Yes, I get asked this all of the time! I sort of tailor my answer to the question, depending on if someone is being genuinely concerned, snotty, sarcastic, etc. I actually have had these comments roll in a positive way& that is nice but not common!

My favorite answer is that I work out b/c I was born without a metabolism and since I love love love to eat, I have to work out! ;) That works b/c I do eat a lot of food so people sort of think "well, she does eat a lot!" hee hee reminding people that I used to be 80 pounds overweight usually shuts them up rather quickly too.

I also say that it saves my sanity b/c of the stress relief. Other times I say that I like to be fit & healthy. Other times I say that my family medical history sucks so I do my best to help it along. If I am in a fresh mood, I say "well, I don't want to look like you" or "why, do you suggest that I follow your workout plan?" (since nine times out of ten it is someone that doesn't work out at all that is razzing me!)

When it comes down to it, for some reason, people feel the need to comment on these things. don't let it bug ya - you are doing the right thing by taking care of your body!
One such comment was, "You don't need to work out,
>you look just fine." and I'd reply, "Well, how do you think I
>got this way?" Duh! I looked "fine" because I worked my a$$
>off and hit the weights for 1-2 hours a night.

Ah yes, the completely illogical "But you don't need to work out, you're in great shape." I'm always amazed at the stupidity of people who say things like this. Like when you don't take a piece of sugary, high-calorie, nutrient-free, blue-frosted cake, you get "But you're slim/in shape, etc., you can eat some (or "you don't have to avoid X")"
Actually, now you have the new government guidelines to back you up, as they recommend 60 minutes of activity most days of the week.
Oh, I hate it when I mention to someone that I workout and they look at me with a screwed up face and say that I don't need to workout.
That just sounds so stupid. I know the person means well and to compliment, but I know what I would look like if I never worked out. I would have the fat back on my back and along the backs of my arms and a bloated belly 24/7.


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