Anyone using eDiets?


Hi there,

I am considering joining eDiets, and I'm wondering if anyone has used them, and could tell me about their experience. Was it successful?? I would like to lose 15-20 lbs.

Thanks for any insight!

Don't use Ediets if you already know quite a bit about food and nutrition. It is not worth it. They don't tell you anything new. Same old stuff. But if you are the kind of person who needs a strict plan, then it is pretty good. It is nice in that it lets you pick your eating never cook, to cook sometimes, or to cook all the time. Also, there are support groups and things like that where you can go on and talk to poeple. If you need lots of outside motivation, it can be a good thing.

For me, it was something else to sit on my butt for. I already knew the food stuff and didn't really want to workout with other poeple, so for me it was a total waste of money. I don't need any motivation. I did lose some weight, we are talking a few pounds here, but i think that was mostly due to the fact i had to enter my weight every week. I didn't want to feel like a total failure!!LOL.. It is pretty interesting to do once if it is not too much don't have anything to lose....Good Luck.Janice
Hi Janice,

Thanks for your reply and insight. I do know about nutrition, but lately I've felt like I just need new ideas and to not have to think about it so much. I'm so busy, it would be great to just have a plan laid out for me. I found in the past that I did much better when I made up menus in advance, but lately haven't had time to do so. I also like that they have nutritionists available to talk to if you need to make adjustments to your plan. They had a special for only $35 for the whole year for both the diet and fitness plans, so I figured it's not too much at stake, so even if I get a little bit of use out of it, it's worth it. Thanks again for your help.

I was on and off the ediets wagon for about a year when they were first getting off the ground. I liked the weekly varied menu plans, and the shopping list - made it SO easy to get everything you need at the store in one trip. I also liked that though I am a large woman, they were sensible in their calorie recommendations and their allowance for desserts - I honestly never went hungry, and I never felt sweets-deprived. I saved all my meal plans and shopping lists, and for a long time used that as my resource. I didn't lose the weight I wanted, but that was because I wasn't dedicated to fitness then, and because I kept letting the stress I was going through derail me. If you're already a Cathe Convert, I don't think you'll get anything special out of their fitness plans, though. Hmmm, talking about ediets is making me seriously consider joining them again...
Hi Jen,

I was really successful using ediets, I went from 135 to 105 in about 7 months, then went on their maintenance program for another 6 months. I found it good in that I knew what I could eat every day, and I could change to a different meal choice if I wanted, so I could always include foods I like a lot, like peanut butter sandwiches and frozen yogurt. I also never felt hungry, there was good variety, and being on ediets really got me in the habit of eating a big salad with lunch and dinner, this I still keep up. It also got me in the habit of drinking tons of water, I also still do this every day, and I found the support groups really helpful. It was thorugh someone on ediets that I found about VF, which led me here and to Cathe!

I never used their fitness plan since I felt like I was doing pretty well with my tapes. Also, it isn't a really restrictive plan, it is designed for very slow weight loss, so you can still workout and build muscle while you lose very slowly.

I have since quit smoking and loosened up my eating habits and my weight has levelled off at about 110-115, which seems right for me.

Hi Christine,

Thanks so much for your reply - it was very encouraging!! I want to lose about 20 lbs, so it's good to know it can be done. I'd be perfectly happy to have it off by the end of the year - I'm not in a rush, as long as it's consistently coming off.

I'm glad to hear you weren't hungry - I do worry about that, with working out so hard with Cathe. Were you doing Cathe videos while doing eDiets? If you did, was the food still enough? I find I get rather ravenous when I do a Cathe workout. Also, did you ever have a need to contact their nutritionists? I'm curious what kind of response you got.

Congrats on your great success with the weight loss and quitting smoking! And thanks again for your help.

If doing Cathe makes you ravenous, by all means, EAT - but eat wisely. Those big salads are a lifesaver. Eat for bulk - those fresh vegetables and high-fiber carbs (for me couscous is the next wonderfood). I also read Covert Bailey's 'Smart Eating', that really helped me make better choices about filling myself up without going overboard on calories.

If you're hungry every hour, eat every hour - just eat clean.
Thanks Athene - I'll have to check out that book. Covert Bailey seems to be respected. And thanks for the reminders about clean eating. I KNOW what I should eat, I just don't always do it! ;-)


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