Anyone used Mirena IUS??

RE: Anyone used Mirena IUD??

My best friend has an IUD not the Mirena I think its the copper one that's good for 10yrs. So,I asked my Dr. about the Mirena and she said the patients that have had it implanted rave about it. I must say the whole idea of not having to worry about getting pregnant for 5yrs is very appealing to me. Of course, she did warn me that its not full proof (what is besides abstinence I ask you?) and that it can cause heavy bleeding during TTOTM which is not a problem for me. Did she also ask me how I had responded to the Depo shot that I was on, and I told her that I had no adverse reactions to that at all because she was going to start me on that first to see how I would react to the Mirena. I'm guessing the hormones in both are fairly similar. So after the first of the new year I'm going to get mine done (gotta wait for the Depo to wear off) and then look out.

RE: Anyone used Mirena IUD??

Thanks Jilliana

My doctor recommended it for me for my fibriods and heavy bleeding I also have limited options because of my damaged kidneys. I had a look at a couple of websites on the subject, most of the women who reported had only had it fitted for a short while.

I thought I would try here because I value the opinions here.

RE: Anyone used Mirena IUD??

Interesting Babs because the little pamphlet that I got from my doctor says that one of the side effects is heavy bleeding. Of course, it is still rather new on the market. I too haven't known anyone that has had the IUD the entire length of time that it designed to last. My friend had her's removed because it got dislodged and was rubbing against her cervix and irritated it. Of course, she's really active so I'm not quite sure what she did to dislodge it. It does have these little strings attached to it that you tug on from time to time to check to make sure its still in place. But that's just another point to take into account. I'm still going to try it although, I doubt I'll use it the entire 5yrs.

RE: Anyone used Mirena IUD??

Not the Mirena, but I have a Paraguard that is good for 10 yrs. I've had it for about 7 yrs, no problems. It does not give me heavy cramping or bleeding, but my period does last a little longer due to a few days of spotting at the beginning and the end. For me, it was a GREAT choice.

RE: Anyone used Mirena IUD??

I also have the Paraguard which for me is just like FitnessRN says. Completely effortless for ten years. I will be 47 then.

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