anyone use chlomid?


I've been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years and I just started taking chlomid. Anyone else use it and how were your results? I'm 34 years old.
I used clomid to get pregnant for both of my pregnancies when I was 32 and 34 year old. I had trouble getting pregnant the first time and was put on it. I took it for 3-4 months before I got pregnant. Also, during the 2nd month I suffered a painfully swollen ovary due to the clomid. It subsided after a few days. The second time I took it I got pregnant the first month on clomid, after several months of trying.

I guess I'm saying that it worked for me twice. My boys are now 15 and 13, so this was some time ago. Just watch out for any side effects.

Best of luck!


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