Anyone use an IUD?

I have had a copper IUD for almost 6 years (copper IUDs are good for 10 years- sometimes longer). At first, I was worried because I didn't have a cycle for almost a year (but this could be because I just had a baby and was under HUGE amount of stress). After that, however, it became fairly normal. Both my children are products of birth control pill failures ( I must be that 1 percent statistic), so after I had my second child, I decided to use the copper IUD. You have to make sure you check your string every month, but other than that I have no real complaints. It is a great method if you already have children and are in a monogamous relationship. It is a simple procedure, but make sure you get an gyn who actually is experienced with insertion and removal (this helps with the chances of it expelling in the first few months). My doc also gave me some antibiotics to ward off any infection that may spring up as a result of insertion. It feels like a pinch going in, which can be somewhat uncomfortable, but nothing like giving birth. It can also be removed in an office visit and you are immediately "available" to get pregnant again.

Anyway, hope this helps:)
I had the Paragaurd put in about 6 yrs ago, after I had my son. Birth control pills give me the worst headaches,and we knew we didn't want anymore kids. My hubby was feeling too young to get snipped at the time. Its good for 10 yrs, and after that its hubby's turn }( I love it!! No worries, very little problems. I did have heavier periods for maybe 3 or 4 months, and I never used to have cramps - I miss those days - but now I get them in my back on 2 heaviest days. But nothing like birth control you don't need to remember.

DR said on occasion they can be tough to get out, and have to do it surgically, but it's very rare. I some cramps on the day he put it in, but it didn't really hurt or anything. Also said as with all BC nothing is 100% and there is a larger likely hood that if I do accidentally get pregnant, the chances are high it would be a tubal pregnancy, which is just bad news all around, but the chances of that are highly unlikely.From my understanding, they will only do it on women who have had kids and are in a monogamous relationship, as it doesn't protect from STD's and its easier to put in and remove on women who have had kids.

They also make IUD's with hormone's in them that are good for like 5 yrs, but I didn't go that route due to the headache issue. Hubby said at the beginning he could feel himself rubbing against the string - its kinda like fishing line, but now he doesn't notice it anymore. I love it, and would do it again in a heartbeat!!

I had Paragard put in about 3 months ago. I didn't want any hormonal method at all. Never notice the string. Some spotting for the first two months but I think I am evened out now. My insurance covered part of the process, but the insertion was considered a surgical procedure so I had to pay about 300 co pay. What do monthly BCP and other methods cost these days?
I used the Merina, the 5 yr duration one; and loved it. I only recently had it removed and am dreading the return of periods. It was so nice to never think about, and my periods were soooo easy, very light, and only for a day or two.
Thanks so much, Everyone! I made my appointment for next week. Gosh, I would love no/light periods...that was a great part of being pregnant! ha

thanks again!!

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