Anyone see T2 on Saturday night?


OK my motivation has definitely been lagging over the last few weeks, but seeing this movie helped a lot--Linda Hamilton was what first inspired me to really get into weight training, & after 15 years it's still inspiring........

But I think they cut some of her scenes in the beginning when she was in the mental ward--they only showed her doing pullups & for some reason I thought I'd remembered she also did some tricep dips & pushups........they edited the best part of the movie! :eek:
It's funny because when I see it now I think Linda Hamilton looks emaciated and unhealthy.
>It's funny because when I see it now I think Linda Hamilton
>looks emaciated and unhealthy.

I think she looks a bit too "gristly" as well.
Hmmm, that's interesting--my body shape & type is almost identical to hers. It's what I've strived to be for the last 15 years of hard work & diet.

And no one has ever called me "emaciated, unhealthy or gristly."
I don't recall how Linda Hamilton looked in T2 but in the pictures I've seen of LauraMax, she looks like a fit and healthy body builder who showcases her hard work well.
>What does gristly mean when referring to somebody's

Maybe it's just my word for it, but to me, it's how Karen Voight's upper body looks on one of her old workout covers: lean, but to the point of "too lean," like she needs a bit more body fat to look softer.
>Hmmm, that's interesting--my body shape & type is almost
>identical to hers. It's what I've strived to be for the last
>15 years of hard work & diet.
>And no one has ever called me "emaciated, unhealthy or

As I recall, LH's cheeks were really sunken in (maybe less than what I remember?), and it looked like she had lost weight really quickly or needed to eat a bit more! A rather harsh look. She looked much better, IMO, a few months after filming, when she was on the talk-show circuit promoting the movie, and had softened up a bit.

Laura: I've seen pictures of you, and you definitely don't have that look.
I love the way Linda Hamilton looked in T2 and was also very inspired by this movie. My favorite scene has to be where she is cocking (not sure that is the right word) the shotgun with 1 arm. In an interview, she said that was not easy to do. I think to see more scenes of her in the psych ward, you have to have the special edition of the movie. The theater release I do believe only showed her doing the pull-ups.

It's my opinion of how LH appeared to me on the T2 movie. It has nothing to do with you. IMHO, LH looks unhealthy in the movie. If you are working towards that goal you haven't made it yet :)


Yes, her cheeks do look sunken in and her eyes look bad. A very gaunt look.
I watched it, too. I missed the very beginning, but I thought she looked great! I remember when that movie first came out....women didn't look like that!! Now I think she looked incredible. I would love to look like her, but I'm too tall and have a different body type.
I watched parts of the movie to the other night. I thought physically she looked great!! I'll take that body!! I think I could work with that. I believe her face looked that way because she was supposed to portray someone who had lost custody of her child for years and who was in a psych ward. I think they were supposed to have given her drugs in there. That experience was supposed to show through on her face. I heard she worked hard to get into that condition.

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