anyone results from Get Ready for Summer Rotation?


I'm trying to decide on a new rotation for June. Tough, tough, tough! Don't know whether to try the updated Fat Loss and Definition or the Get Ready for Summer (by fitfanatic i think) which looks really good. I'm 5'10, 6 mos postpardum, and have lost 69 pounds since DS was born. (Mostly due to South Beach diet, breastfeeding for 4 mos and Cathe!) I'm really psyched about the weight loss, but I SO need to stay focused with a rotation, or i'll just be all over the place with my workouts. Since the fat is coming off, i'm finally seeing definition in my tummy and IT'S SO AWESOME. Wanna keep it up... told DH I want a belly ring and bikini for next summer. :)

Anyway, if anyone's had good success with this rotation, please let me know. I'm also targeting my arms, and have almost all of the DVDs, so it looks like this one would really fit the bill for me.
also... do u think floor work from leaner legs or Legs and Glutes would be a good sub for floor work in GS Legs? So many more DVDs I want to get, but I've gotta show SOME restraint.... don't I?? :)
Hi there.

I did Debbie's get ready for summer rotation last month. I saw a loss in every area...weight, body fat and inches. I also saw u/b definition that I didn't have before! I say GO FOR IT! It works! :)

Note: I subbed all straight cardios w/gym cardio like running, spin or elliptical training but all of the weight work outs and circuits I did as written.
I also had great results with Debbies Get ready for summer rotation. Actually, all her rotations I've tried I've gotten really good results. Go for it! You won't be sorry:)
thanks guys! i'm goin for it. i actually started this afternoon with the first one, PP upper body 3 set premix. had to stop to feed DS, so i still need to do the abs from C&W. i'll let you know what happens! :) thanks for chiming in... i'm psyched now!
Hi ...WOW!!! 69 # lost! that is AMAZING! Congrats!! I mean it! It IS hard to stay focused....which leads to my question-you said you lost following South Beach...I have started the SB plan so many times and give up....what phase do you follow...any pointers? I have been trying to lose the same 10# for the past year....I think I gained again...bought a new pair of shorts last month and went to wear them this weekend-and to my dismay, couldn't even get them buttoned! If you could give me some advice, I would REALLY appreciate it! Also, which rotation is everyone referring to? Is it on this forum? Thanks in advance, Connie
hey connie,

there's a super fit member named Debbie that has been putting out a lot of cool rotations monthly, just like Cathe. I did some searching one day, saw that a lot of people have had results with her rotations, and thought i'd try one for myself. The Get Ready For Summer one (which is definitely on the Video Rotations forum -- will definitely come up in a search) caught my eye one day because A) I have most of the DVDs and B) it just seems perfect for what i mostly want to do now --burn more fat and sculpt upper body.

i have to say that i'm amazed myself at the weight loss. people had been commenting for months about the incredible change in me, but i tell you it really didn't sink in until i started putting on clothes that were always tight, and then they started hanging off of me!! Soo unreal. I mean when I got pregnant, I was already atleast 50 pounds overweight, but I'm tall (5'10") so I carry it pretty well. Even so, I was never really happy with myself. Then I gained another 30 pounds on top of everything with the pregnancy. Now 30 pounds gained with a preganancy, is actually good compared to some stories i've heard, but you take a girl who was already overweight and add 30 pounds and boy do you have an unhappy girl. don't get me wrong, my beautiful baby boy is the absolute love of my life. but i'd be lying if i said my self esteem wasn't in the crapper after he was born.

soooo.... here's how it started. and just to update you, i called the doctor's office yesterday because i wanted to be sure. As of today, i've actually lost 75 pounds since the day I gave birth. Sooo hard to believe. Anyway, I've gotta attribute atleast 30 pounds of that weight loss to just breastfeeding. In the weeks after giving birth, as any of you mommies out there know, it was all about the baby, and just getting adjusted to this brand new life. I really didn't care about what I ate. I breastfed for 4 mos. and had lost about 35 pounds just doing that. And of course DS weighed 8 pounds 7 oz, so I have to count him too. But once I stopped breastfeeding, i knew i'd have to run a tighter ship. i'd heard from too many mommies how the weight came creeping back on once they stopped breastfeeding. So I started upping the anti on my workouts and following Weight Watchers, which had worked for me in the past, but i kept falling off the wagon. I managed to drop another 15 pounds doing that. I was smaller, yes, but still wasn't seeing definition like I wanted.

Then DH, who was doin his own muscle building workout, suggested we try something low carb as a team. I did some research online and South Beach diet seemed to make sense to me. Not as unrealistic as Atkins (at least in my opinion) and more carb- restricting than Weight Watchers, which is what I needed. It's been just under 2 mos. since I started South Beach, and as of yesterday, i've lost another 25 pounds, making total weight loss since the birthday of DS a whopping 75 pounds.

if you want to learn more, you can get the book pretty cheaply at Walmart, or get a 1 week free membership at their website - It's not the easiest thing to do first off, especially if you are a carb addict like I was. But soon, it gets easier, and your cravings will diminish. And the buddy system works wonders. It's not easy changing your eating habits if everyone around you is not. Anyway, every one's body is different, and so i'm a firm believer that not everything works for everybody. But for me, it's been the answer. No matter how hard I worked out withe Cathe before, i never saw true changes until I got serious about my eating. I hope it works for you too! I'm not quite at goal yet, but when i get there, i'll be sure to post b4 and after pix. :)

Good luck!
oh yeah... to answer your other question, right now I follow phase 2 on SB. if i notice weight loss slowing down though, i'll limit my starches to one a day at breakfast and maybe one fruit per day and load up on veggies.

the other suggestion is plan, plan, plan. there are days that i think all i do is take care of DS and plan my meals :) It can become a full time job. You don't need to be obsessed like me, just try to have a good idea of what your food game plan is for the week. I know for me if i don't have the right stuff accessible, it'll be so much easier to fall off the wagon....

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