Anyone remember Margaret Richard?


Does anyone remember Margaret Richard of BODY ELECTRIC on PBS? I worked out with her over 25+ years ago. Well, she's going to be on QVC tomorrow (Wed.) at 9 a.m.

Love her...
I remember her. I worked out with her while in undergrad. Wow, has it been that long. Glad to hear she is still doing her thing.
I never saw her on TV, but I bought one of her workouts (she charges an arm and a leg for them!).

I know some people at VF rave about her workouts and the results they get with them. (I personally couldn't stand the uneven counting: almost every two-sided exercise was uneven).

What is she going to be sellling on QVC?
I read her book recently, but didn't really take much away from it, other than no matter how fit you are, you won't be later!
If anyone's interested, there's a video of her boxing workout (I think I had it years ago, and it was mediocre) on Amazon for a "low item price" of $999.99. (Yep, you read that right. Who in their right mind would pay that for it? And who would think anyone would? There's even a note on the seller's page saying it could be an old library copy. WTF?)
Was Amy the blonde with the southern accent? I remember her. I used to like her step workouts.

I do, I do, I started working out to her. I stumbled across her show one rainy morning. I couldn't go out for a walk like I usually did in the morning. That's how my whole video, DVD workout habit began. Ahhh memories....
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