Anyone read Women's Health or other mags?


My SO's nephew is doing that school thing where you force your relatives to order a bunch of mags at a discounted rate. I was thinking of ordering a fitness-related one, but naturally they don't have Oxygen OR Muscle & Fitness Hers. Choices:

Women's Health (from publishers of Men's Health)
Muscle & Fitnes (Like the rag but hate the way they depict women)

Any of them worth reading?
Hi - I really like Women's Health. Fitness, to me, has too many ads and not really related to exercise and health as much as I'd like. I'm not a competitive lifter, so M&F isn't to my likeness.

Women's Health is one of only two fitness mags I now read on a regular basis. I subscribe to it (and pick up Muscle and Fitness Hers on the newsstands) and have let my subscriptions to "Fit,""Fitness" and "Shape" expire a while ago.

Prevention sometimes has good articles, but it is packed to the gills with advertisements for pharmaceuticals. It, along with the other magazines, are alright to pick up once in a while, IMO, but I don't read it or the others regularly.
I love Women's Health & I started subscribing to it this year through the same process. I subscribed to several of the other fitness-related magazines but cancelled for many of the same reasons already given. I also subsribe to More magazine & I love it too.

Good luck!
I plan on subscribing to Women's Health, too. IMO, it's the best women's health magazine out there. I currently get Fitness, but I will be letting that one lapse when it expires.

Cathy :)
Is Self on that list. I got my subscription from my niece. I really like self. Always shows new exercises and recepies and has health issues as well.
I love Women's Health .. lots of good info in it ..

Also if you like Yoga .. Yoga Journal is another good magazine .. lots of good articles and info on improving yoga poses ..
I love Women's Health too. The women in it actually look like they work out (have toned muscles) and not "skinny fat". Their info is more about health than beauty products too, which I like. There is only so much "which moisturizer" or "make your eyes pop" that I can take. I mean really, if any of the products actually worked that great, would they really have to keep making more and more articles about them?

I also subscribe to Women's Health and really like it. Another magazine I like is Cooking Light - not only do they have wonderful recipes, but they have fitness tips too. Not sure if that's on your list but I wanted to let you know. Good luck!

I like Womens Health, Self and Shape. I also like M&F Hers and Oxygen for their nutrition articles. I also like Looking Good. But I'm a magazine junkie.

Out of the 4, the only one I could stomach would be Women's Health, but I have to confess, I find it rather "lite" and that men's health is actually the superior magazine. You might consider getting that instead.

Depending on your age, "More" magazine is really good. It provides a lot of inspiration for us over 40's. I also like Oprah's magazine "O" even though I don't much like her. Again, the magazine is inspirational, and Martha Beck who writes a monthly column in it is fabulous.


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