Anyone on a Gluten-Free Diet?


I have suffered with migraines for YEARS and it seems as if I have tried everything with no luck.
I am now wondering if I may have an allergy to gluten. My question is: What foods will I need to cut out of my diet and what substitutions are there?

It's not as hard as it may sound. Basically it's a clean diet without wheat/barley and rye. No breads, No pastas, No oats (cross contamination)No Beer, read labels on all foods like canned beans, soups, sauces, ice cream etc. They add wheat or barley malt into a LOT of foods. (maltodextrin is not the same as barley malt). Some people can tolerate hard liquors made from grains while other can not so you have to try it and see. Most all processed foods will have some form of wheat in them.

Do you have other symptoms other than migraines? Estrogen fluctuation causes migraines. Have you considered that?
>No oats
>(cross contamination)

There are supposedly some manufacturers now who have oats that are guaranteed free of cross contamination.
Hi Gin,
I have been following a gluten free diet 2&1/2 years. Sometimes, I stray from it, but when I do,I have major problems!!
Hidden gluten can be found in some unlikely foods such as: cold cuts, soups, hard candies, soy sauce, many low or non-fat products, even licorice and jelly beans. Some manufacturers label food products gluten free. Cottage cheese by Great Value(Walmart) is gluten free. Rice bread by EnerG is gluten free - It needs to be toasted. Many veggie burgers Boca, Morning Star contain gluten. I sent you an email. Let me know if I can help!!
Hi Gin,
My DH was recently diagnosed with celiac sprue, which is a disease that one has a high intolerance (life/death in our case), to grains, esp. wheat/gluten. Thankfully, there are many cookbooks on the market that wasn't available years ago. Bette Hagman and Carol Fenster books are what I am currently using at the moment. Basically, you can eat most of your favorite foods but only without gluten/wheat/barley/rye/oats flour. You can buy rice, potato starch, tapioca, and bean flours to do baking etc. There are gluten free spaghettee, noodles, gravies...all kinds of stuff at some Health food stores. Eating out is huge lifestyle change at my house. If you are really sensitive to wheat products, which my DH is, one even has to watch modified food starch, some toothpastes, soaps, and lotions. Some are even sensitive to foods in restraunts that have been cooked on the same grill as pancakes for example. Like I mentioned, it is a big lifestyle change but is more doable than it was before as more companies are making more gluten free products.
I was shocked at where all wheat is found in products. Talk about eating one food group 3x a day for years! Tomato soup....why is wheat in there? (I know to use as a thickener and it is cheap...but good is everywhere. HTH :)
>I was shocked at where all wheat is found in products. Talk
>about eating one food group 3x a day for years! Tomato
>soup....why is wheat in there? (I know to use as a thickener
>and it is cheap...but good is everywhere.

And I'm sure that's one reason more and more people seem to be senstive to it: It's overexposure.

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