Melissa, welcome!
Any info on prenatals would be appreciated... I'm just not sure which brand to go with, but I'm starting to think it doesn't really matter and that they're pretty much all the same, right? As dorky as this sounds, though, I'd like to go with a brand that someone else already used and produced a healthy baby.
I *just* came off the pill (after 11 years straight on it), so I'm still waiting for my cycle to regulate... I've been on the pill so long that I have no idea what my natural cycles are like (before being on the pill, they were all over the map-- cycles from 18 to 49 days).
Liann - How exciting that you're already in full-blown ready-to-test mode! Good luck!
Wow, I am on a parallel timeline as you were, then! I'm sure it'll be weird when it's more than just DH and me. We've been together over 10 years total, so it's a strange thing to think of actually starting a family together.
Looking forward to checking in with you ladies... I'm a longtime (like 3 years) lurker and not much of a poster, but it seems like this thread used to be more active than it is now. A pity! I learned a lot.