I suffered with it off and on for years before I was "upgraded" to ulcerative colitis. Docs will give you antispasmodics which can relieve the pain and cramping, but don't get at the cause.
I agree that stress plays a huge part. Obviously we can't avoid all stress, but anyone who's in a constantly stressful situation - stressful job, miserable marriage - needs to either take measures to improve the situation or get out of it... if possible. Relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, etc. can help.
Finding a diet that works for you is important, but difficult to do. Keeping a daily food journal noting what you eat and how you felt afterwards can help. Personally, I feel best if I avoid dairy and grains altogether.
Finally, I'd recommend trying probiotics to get your digestive system back in balance. I get mine from customprobiotics.com. I've tried many different brands, with no success, but CP works. I was told I'd never be well again and suffered terribly with UC. Now, I'm healthy again and look and feel better than I ever have.