Anyone have chaptering problems with Body Blast DVDs


New Member
I'm having trouble getting the MIX&MATCH, CHAPTERS, and WORKOUT BLENDER features of my Body Blast DVDs to work. For example, with my STEP JUMP PUMP & STEP BLAST DVD, every time I try to go directly to a certain piece of the workout, the chapter that I'm led to is always the Barbell Tricep Press, no matter which segment I'm trying to access. WithSUPERSETS & PUSH PULL DVD, I get led to the Stretch portion regardless of which Mix & Match/Workout Blender etc segment I'm trying to access. I haven't tried any of the other DVDs to see if they also have a similar problem, although I believe they may. I emailed Cathe customer support but didn't receive a response. Help! Anyone else have this problem?

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