anyone have a problem with audio mix on RS DVD?


Evening everyone...

Just picked up RS today. Love the workout, but I was so frustrated, because if ever you need to hear every word of Cathe's cueing, it's on RS. The music seems to BLAST over her. Just wondering if I have a defective DVD or if everyone is experiencing that.
thanks guys... maybe i'll just return for another. the rest of the dvd seems fine, just RS that I'm having the problem with. I had to turn it up REAAAALLY loud to hear her... sweet DH walked by and never said a word, even though his ears were probably bleeding. :)
You might try to see if you have audio settings on your dvd player. I didn't realize that we did and I thought something was wrong with Cardio and Weights. Turned out, we had a setting on our remote that enhanced dialogue and it freaked out my C and W sound track BUT it DIDN'T mess up IMAX2 on the same DVD. It was called EAM (enhanced audio mode), a button I had never pressed intentionally. I tried it on another DVD player and had no problem, so that told me it was something with the player. AFter playing with the navigation for a few minutes, I found my solution.

I would try it on another player before you exchange it.
so funny you said that... that is EXACTLY what it was.. Enhanced something or other mode on the remote... I didn't know it ever enabled either... just like you, I've played any number of Cathe DVDs on that player with no prob... so after fooling around with every possible audio setting to no avail, I finally turned off the Enhanced Mode and everything was fine. I was so happy that I did the work out again tonight :) Ugh... I know people think RS is on the easier side cardiovascularly, but IMO, Cathe is still very much bringing it in this workout... for me it's just a little less noticeable because you're focusing on the choreography not your heart rate.

Anyway, thanks for the post... all is well now :)

Happy sweating...

Just to educate a little here...Sound fluctuations are always the result of either the player settings or the way your system is hooked up. It is impossible for a defective DVD to have an audio problem of this type. Though some DVDs will certainly be defective, audio problems are very rare and sound fluctuations are just not possible without some other major problem being evident with the DVD.
>Evening everyone...
>Just picked up RS today. Love the workout, but I was so
>frustrated, because if ever you need to hear every word of
>Cathe's cueing, it's on RS. The music seems to BLAST over
>her. Just wondering if I have a defective DVD or if everyone
>is experiencing that.

I don't know what kind of DVD player you have, but I know on my Toshiba I have an audio option that allows the music track to play louder than the talking, so if you haven't already, you might just want to check out your audio set up.

Take Care,


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