Anyone have a Gazelle? How do you like it?


My friend offered to sell me her's for $100. She has never really used it...what do you think? Waste of money, or is it a good source of cardio? Thanks guys!

I had something very similar. I found it boring (but I find most cardio equipment boring, so I might not be a good judge!) and very limited in how much you could improve on it. IMO, any machine that has you do the same motion over and over again, with no variation, is not going to be as effective as a workout that varies your movement.
It is an utterly worthless piece of junk! Do not buy it. We had one (note the operative word is "had"), and I could never get my heart rate elevated on that thing at all. It's a terrible cardiovascular workout because it's just too darn easy, and incredibly boring. Save your money. We gave ours to Goodwill. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had taken money from a friend for it. LOL! ;)
I used one when I was 300+ pounds, but I quickly progressed beyond it. I wouldn't buy one unless you can barely walk to the mailbox (which is the condition I was in).
I just donated mine to Goodwill. I ended up getting bad psyactic pain from it, and 100.00 is WAY to much money for a used one (imho)

Good Luck,
Thanks everyone for posting to this. I have been watching that awful infomercial in the wee hours many a time and thought......That looks fun and you could make it really tough.

Color me informed!

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