Anyone have a BOSU?


Active Member
I've been contemplating getting a bosu but feel ambivilant about getting one. There do not seem to be too many workout videos availble aside from Rob Glick's,Mindy Mylrea and Gay Gasper. On the other hand it looks like it could be a lot of fun and challenging too. I searched the forums for the topic and did see that some of you guys were getting them about 6 months ago. What's the verdict? Is it worth spending the money? I was thinking of using it mostly for a lower impact cardio alternative to the step. Would this work? Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!:) Thanks
I have a BOSU and love it. I have both Rob and Mindy's tapes. I have incorporated older, less choreographed step tapes onto it like Reebok The Step and the first combo in Step Heat (with modifications of course!). Francine posted some great ways of substituting the BOSU for the stability ball with weight work over in the VIDEO & DVD forum for some of Cathe's new Body Blast videos - I tried her suggestions and really liked them.

For me this was a good investment but it's not for everyone. I like the challenge of the balance work on it - it is not necessarily easy. Also if you step on it you're stepping much higher as it is inflated to about 11 inches so that's something to consider if you're planning to use it for step.

Bottom line, I think it's fun and you get a great workout from it.

Hope that helps!
I've been wanting a BOSU for awhile now, but I won't buy one unless Cathe releases a series that uses it. I've seen a couple of good instructors incorporating the BOSU in some videos like Mindy Mylrea, Gay Gasper and even Moira Stott released a pilates video using the BOSU so it must be a wise investment if you get one. I've read wonderful things about it. That in a couple of years it's going to be as popular (if not more popular) than The Step, but again I won't get one unless Cathe endorses it. I'm not ready to get used to other instructor's style. The only non-Cathe videos I use are yoga and pilates so only if Cathe releases a couple of BOSU videos I'd get one.
Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I hate it. I can't do any kind of step on it becuase your foot is totally wobbly (imagine trying to stand on the stability ball and keep your balance.) I feel like my ankles are going to twist. So I thought, OK, I will just use it for core work. But I don't even like it for that either. I prefer either the stability ball or just the floor and a pad. It weighs a TON so I don't even think I could recoup much on it becuase it would cost a fortune to ship to anyone buying it. I'll wait till they become popular so I can sell it locally. I live in the Kansas City area by the way if anyone wants to buy it now!
Thanks everyone for your replies. I like Cathe workouts so much I'd definitely buy a bosu if she did a bosu video. I'm hesitant just because I like Cathe so much.I'm concerned that it would not hold my interest and I'd have a piece of fitness equipment taking up space. I was really interested in it for cardio and if it is wobbly I probably wouldn't like that. I also did not realize that it was 11" high. Oh well, I guess I'll just forget about the bosu and continue to look forward to getting my body blast dvds.Thanks!!:)
If you get one....

Jen, I highly recommend Candice Brooks Core Synergy. It's pretty much all core work, I say that because there's a hint of cardio for a warm up but it's a super workout for the core. Candice has a very professional and straight forward personality, very much like Cathe. It's also extremely challenging.

This workout alone makes my BOSU worth it. I do have Robs workout but I'm really not a fan of cardio on it..I'd just as soon do cardio with something other than the BOSU. But for core's a winner.
RE: If you get one....

>Jen, I highly recommend Candice Brooks Core Synergy. It's
>pretty much all core work, I say that because there's a hint
>of cardio for a warm up but it's a super workout for the core.
>Candice has a very professional and straight forward
>personality, very much like Cathe. It's also extremely

I really like this workout, too. I don't use my Bosu much,and this workout is the only one I really like (Gay Gasper's is alright, also, but I like Core Synergy better). It's not possible to adapt much but very basic step workouts (like Firm step aerobics, or some more basic, linear step workouts) to a Bosu.

It is nice to use the Bosu for core work (use in place of a stability ball for crunches, and you can even do reverse crunches on it, which you can't safely do on a stability ball without finding some kind of support to hold on to).

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