Anyone have a Bosu?


I have been thinking about getting one just to add some variety but I want to research it first. There aren't too many videos - has anyone tried this and did you like it?

Hi I have a bosu and love it!! I have several videos which I enjoy
Gay Gasper Reactive Strength and Power
Mindy Mylrea & Kelli Roberts DVD EXplode
Rob Glick Cardio Combustion
Seasun ? CIA Double Cardio DVD has Bosu Blast
Hop this helps.
I have the body dome (is it the same thing as a Bosu?) -- bought it and didn't think it was challenging enough and gave it to my sister -- whom I wish would get psyched about fitness like I am, but she doesn't. She liked it, quit using it and now I'm begging for it back...I've seen some workouts on Fit TV I would LOVE to try.
I didn't know if I would like it or not, but in fact I love it. My favourite Bosu workout is Seasun Zieger's on the new CIA 2604. Fun, fun, fun! Then she uses it for core work. Yikes!!!
Okay, I'm ready to get one now - especially if Seasun has it on one of her videos, I really like her. Thanks for the guidance!

Let me know how you like it once you get it. I, too, want to mix up my cardio, but I'm afraid of getting yet one more fitness toy that I don't use. I had gotten the pilates half ball - it looks like the BOSU, but smaller. The workout that came with it was uninspiring so I only did it once and it's been gathering dust. Maybe I should try a BOSU workout on the pilates thingy (I can't remember the correct name). That way I'll actually get some use out of it.
I know what you mean - you really don't know if you're going to like something like this until you do it. I think I'm going to try to get the Seasun Zieger dvd first and then maybe one of the ones by Rob Glick. I will let you know how I like it!

Not yet - I was on vacation last week and I was thinking I would get it this weekend. I'll let you know if I like it.:+

Hi Lisa, I didn't see this thread originally. I have a BOSU and love it! I use it for all kinds of things and I think I've become very imaginative! I am very leary of fitness gadgets and hesitated when I first was thinking about it, but I have had it now for over 2 years and have not grown tired of.

I have:

Bosu Cardio Fusion w/Rob Glick (I'm so-so about this)
Bosu Core Synergy w/Candice Copeland - good
Bosu Total Sports Conditioning - good
Mindy & Keli Explode and Burn (2 separate workouts) - I love this
CIA 2604 w/Seasun - I love this

Oh I also have a Gay Gasper one but I forgot the name.

Sometimes I take older less dancey step workouts and incorporate on the BOSU:

Cathe's Step Heat and Step Max and Reebok's Step the Video. It gives these a whole new intensity but you obviously have to modify some moves to work on the BOSU. I also use it for ab work when the ab work is on the floor, I do it on the BOSU which makes it harder (not always just if it works). Or sometimes, I use it in place of my stability ball for ab work. Once you start messing with it you can come up with all kinds of ways to use it. :) It's really fun and adds a lot of intensity if you're up to it!

Jo - your information is so helpful - I was wondering about the Rob Glick one because I have two of his step videos and I'm so-so about them, so will probably hold off on his Bosu videos for now. I was also wondering if I would be able to adapt any regular step videos - I have the ones you mentioned so I will try that too. Thank you so much.

Yeah, I'm with you and Rob Glick...I'm real so-so about his videos. I think the workouts are okay but he just doesn't click with me.

I should also tell you that the BOSU is great to sit and balance on when you're previewing new videos! :) :)
I don't have a Bosu yet, as it seems way too expensive. But I did buy a Cor Disc from and it's pretty comparable, at least in some ways. Thing is it didn't come with many instructions or list of exercises that can be done on it. Anyone else have a Cor Disc?

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