Anyone from Missouri?


Hi all,

My husband is interviewing in Missouri at the end of this month. It looks very promising. He will be employed in Macon Missouri. Can anyone tell me about Macon or Missouri. I have a soon-to-be 9-year-old daughter. School is very important. Any thing you can offer is much appreciated.

Marla ;)
Hi Marla :) I don't know anything about Macon, but I was born and raised in St. Louis and now live in O'Fallon, MO, in St. Charles County, about 20 minutes from St. Louis. Missouri's a great place to live (though haven't lived anywhere else for comparison, lol). My son is 15 and has been in the school district out here since Kindergarten (Ft. Zumwalt)'s one of the best, imho. Good luck in your move...I'm sure Macon's a great place to live as well! :)

I was raised in O'Fallon, MO. I was born in Hazelwood and we moved to O'Fallon when I was an infant. We lived on Cordes Rd. and there was big water tower almost in our back yard. There was a place called Patkeys (spelling?) that we used to go to for ice cream and a Dog 'N Suds that had the best root beer in town. That was so long ago that I am not sure if it is a good neighborhood any more.

I want to go back there one day and see our old house and neighborhood. I think that would be fun.

I heard that O'Fallon has really grown and is becoming a thriving town.

Hi Madonna :) We've been out here now about 12 years and I don't recall seeing a Dogs 'N Suds or Patkeys, but I know right where the water tower is! :) We're on the OTHER Hwy. K and N (not sure if you know where that is). We lived in Florissant, at the borderline of Florissant and Hazelwood) for 16 years before moving really is SUCH a small world, eh? :)
Madonna -

I had to comment when I read you remembered Patke's. My grandparents used to live behind it. It is now a heating and cooling business's office. When I was little we always got ice cream there and sat in the parking lot on 4th of July to watch the fireworks.

Just this week I moved back to St. Louis - Creve Coeur to be exact.

Marla -

As for Macon, I drove through Macon on the way to the college I attended. It is a REALLY small town. Right ouside Macon is a drive in movie theater. It's probably about 2 to 2 1/2 hours from St. Louis. I don't know anything about the schools, though.

Hi Jessica:

Oh, I am so glad you remember Patke's! I have such fond memories of that place. We too would get ice cream there and watch the fire works! It was the first time that I had chocolate and vanilla swirled together on a cone. And I remember a small cone was five cents and a large was ten cents. Do you remember that too? Also, they sold ice cream by the half gallon in coolers that sat out in the middle of the floor. We always got black cherry.

Do you remember the bakery that was in town? What was the name of it? They used to have this ooey gooey butter cake that we just loved.
Hi Marla --

I'm originally from Missouri (lived there for 26 years) but live in Texas now. I grew up in a small town named Potosi -- southwest of St. Louis. I went to college at UMR (University of MO -- Rolla). I think the schools are pretty good but I'm sure they vary depending upon the area.

I'm not familiar with Macon -- sorry.

There are lots of trees there (unlike here in Dallas) and they have seasons (unlike here in Dallas). The leaves are pretty in the fall and it snows more than I could handle. Home prices are pretty good.

To be honest, I would never voluntarily move back. But I think that has more to do with "big city" vs "small town" living than with the state itself.

Good luck!!
Heya Shonie! Didn't know you were originally from Potosi!! Another Missouri gal! :) Actually, I've never actually been in Potosi, but know of it! :)

Hi Terry-
I also live in O'Fallon--been here about 10 years (lived in Florissant prior to that). I am off Feise near Bryan Rd. My daughters will be freshmen at Ft. Zumwalt West when school starts. I can't believe there are others so close!!! :)

Potosi is just miles from me. What a small world.

About Missouri... the summers are hot and humid... the winters can be bone chilling cold... the springs can be grogeous but seem to be getting shorter and shorter... the autumns are beautiful (the seasons not myself :). I live in southeast MO where we have rolling hills covered in trees.

There are some things I enjoy and appreciate about MO, and some things I don't. DH and I moved to Colorado for a couple of years, but we came back because of my parents. I hope to move some place with warmer winters.

I am not familiar with Macon MO. Maybe the Mo Dept. of Education could give you some information on the school district.

Hi Marla,

I live about 40 miles from Macon and have to make regular trips there for meetings.

I am guessing that you have done as much research on the internet and found most of the usual informational resources, so I will try to enlighten you a bit.

Macon is a relatively small community (not sure what size community you live in now), but is a safe area to live in. There is not a lot of shopping opportunity. It is about an hour from Columbia, where the University of Missouri is located and about 2 hours from Kansas City.

As far as the local public schools go, I don't specifically know to much about Macon, but for the most part the more "medium" size schools in Missouri are pretty good. We still have some very small public schools here that have 30 - 80 kids per graduating class. I have concerns about the limited opportunities available at these small schools and you will find small schools in the Macon area. Some of the small schools are excellent, but some of them don't really promote higher education and the kids are the administration is content to only use resources avaible locally.

Macon is about 30 miles from Kirksville, which is the home of Truman State University. I know that your daughter is a long way from seeking higher education.

The land prices around the Macon/NE MO area are still pretty reasonable. Probably because of the distance to any really big metropolitan area.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

Edited to add: I am originally from Northern Indiana and have lived in Missouri for over 10 years. I do love it here and this is home for us. It did take some getting used to for the first couple of years. Things do happen a bit slower here. Seeing that you are from Pittburg, you will probably notice that peoplel just don't get too excited about a lot of things. Sometimes I have to remind my mom that we really don't live in the backwoods here and that we do get The Weather Channel and the Internet.

Also note that Northern Missouri is vastly different than Southern Missouri. You won't encounter near the "hick and hillbilly" attitude being in North MO. This is however an agricultural-based area. I myself, live on a farm.

Best of luck,

Thanks to all of you. Tina, Thank you for the very informative answer about Macon. My husband is going to interview the end of the month. I will email you as soon as we decide that this is the place that Joe wants to work.

We are excited about the prospect of moving there and the same time meloncoly about leaving family here in the burgh. I will definitely keep in touch!

Thanks again,

Marla :)
I live about 45 minutes from Macon, too-although in another direction from Tina. Her post about Macon and the area are right on. This is a very rural and agricultural oriented part of the country. Most people are very friendly.

Macon is small. I don't think they even have a WalMart. The school district is decent, from what I remember from when I was in school. My high school would play Macon in sports. It's just a small school system. (one high school in town)

The town does have excitement once a month-Lolli Brothers Exotic Animal Auction! Who needs the zoo?!

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