Anyone ever try eDiets? Did it work?


I'm looking pretty desperately for something to get me back on track, so I was wondering if anyone has ever signed up for the eDiets thing (either the food delivery OR the customized meal plans, but I'd rather do the meal plans) and if it's been helpful.

Thank you in advance!

What really helped me (I know I've posted about this before.) is the following podcasts:

1. Inside Out Weight Loss by Renee Stephens
2. The Reasonable Diet podcast by Sandra Ahten
3. The Daily Boost by Scott Smith.

All of which are free. I still think that you might try the eDiets too. Good luck! I lost 80 pounds over two years and kept 75 off. The most useful tool was fitday or any other calorie/activity tracker. I was able to see how my food intake directly effected my body weight. I would weigh/measure my eats and my body everyday. I allowed for the normal fluctuation that occurs with my hormonal cycle. Thats when I developed my "DO NOT EAT LIST" (sorry for yelling.) I found there were foods that helped me put on 4 pounds of fat over night. Or even just one pound was enough to put it on the list. I don't know if doing such a thing would help you.

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