>How low was the intensity level? I was thinking about this
>one. Would be appropriate for a day when you wanted to do
>something, but not go 'all out'? Any other work outs to which
>you could compare it? Thanks. Kristan
I do it on an 8 in. step and go all out, but it's shorter than most of my cardio sessions, so on days I want some good cardio but don't have energy for a full hour, it's perfect. It's one of those cardio sessions to me that are perfect in that my heart rate gets up and stays up, I sweat and work hard but don't feel wiped out or like, when is this going to be over b/c I'm sucking paint off the walls, but I don't feel like I wasted my time either. It's nothing near an Imax workout, but it reminds me of RS in that, I don't feel like it's a hard workout, but by the end of the workout I'm drenched...maybe b/c I'm in a lower heart rate zone, but staying in a fat burning zone. No expert here, just thinking out loud. Step Boxing is a worthy purchase in my opinion but this has been a year for me to discover other workouts by different instructors to change things up. I'm very glad to have discovered Kelly Coffey-Meyer!