Anyone else ever see an "ex" on


I had to laugh. Okay, Dr. Phil say's it's okay to look, so I did. And there was my ex-SO. We had a 3-year relationship that he broke off by e-mail a year and a half ago. It certainly made my opinion of his character go into the toilet.

I couldn't believe the lies! He shaved off 5 years from his age, greatly inflated his income range (um, why do you live with roommates when you make almost $100K a year?), and stated his occupation was a "therapist". Okay, he's a massage therapist!

Oh good grief! I'm so glad I got out when I did!

Anyone else see someone they dated or had a relationship with?

RE: Anyone else ever see an

oh my, Diane, this is scary! I just signed up w/ an online service today, my first real foray into online dating. Is it possible that men are not being truthful?? :eek: Well, I know it happens all the time, so your post has served as a timely reminder to be careful.
Are you going to go on Match?
RE: Anyone else ever see an

Oh yes. It was just MySpace, though, not a dating service. The lies I saw were pretty incredible. Unfortunately, some of them were about me, as well. Painful and infuriating. But, coming from him, not surprising :) There's a reason they're "ex"s, right?
RE: Anyone else ever see an

A friend of mine met a wonderful man a few months ago. He's smart and they have so much in common. What attracted her the most was that he was as interested in reading great books as she was. They are completely compatible and are crazy about each other. They may even be moving in together soon. So, it worked for her!

Good luck!
RE: Anyone else ever see an

Yes, I just filled out a profile last night. It's all new to me too. I'm not comfortable knowing that the ex can see my profile, but (chuckle), he knows I've probably seen his!

At least mine is 100% truth!

I figure half the guys are liars or players, and half of them are sincere. It's just trying to figure out which are which that's the hard part.

RE: Anyone else ever see an

You will come in contact with the good the bad and the ugly (LOL) in any and every situation where you would meet someone. Internet dating can have a bad rap that I feel is unfair b/c there are just as many jerks at the bars, clubs, foodstores, libraries, etc as there are online. Just be smart, be safe and have fun!:)

I never really had the chance to do the online dating thing and I wish I had. It's not that I am not happy with my's just that I think it would have been fun to do!}(
RE: Anyone else ever see an

I met my DF online. He was completely truthful in his profile but I have noticed SO MANY men lie or stretch the truth. The thing I noticed the most was that a lot of men lie about their height. It seems that if a man is under 5'10, they always list their height about two inches taller than they really are (i.e. they say they are 5'9 and they are really 5'7).

While height is not a huge deal, I have heard a lot of men lie about other things as well. I would just say to be cautious, always meet in a public place with your own car, do a reverse lookup of their phone number, google them (find out their last name), and just be cautious. There are a lot of great men online but also a lot of liars and con-artists (some of my friends have horror stories!!!).

That said, I know A LOT of people who have met their SO's or DH's online.
RE: Anyone else ever see an

I know someone that signed up with a dating service. The #1 match that came up was her ex husband. Needless to say she did not follwo through on that.

RE: Anyone else ever see an

> The thing I noticed the most was that a lot of men lie
>about their height. It seems that if a man is under 5'10,
>they always list their height about two inches taller than
>they really are (i.e. they say they are 5'9 and they are
>really 5'7).

That was another discrepancy I noticed in his profile. He states he's 5'9" but he always told me he was 5'8". Maybe his head swelled.

RE: Anyone else ever see an

ROFL to ex husband as number one match.

Wendy wrote:I never really had the chance to do the online dating thing and I wish I had. It's not that I am not happy with my's just that I think it would have been fun to do!

Wendy, I call it Man shopping. My 11 yr old is often in my lap while I am looking at profiles. She's pretty picky and throws out anyone who doesn't like kids right away.

darn, you can't read that. They are saying something like, tell her you're a guard dog, yeah a Rottweiler. Oh and tell her you've been neutered. Hee hee.
RE: Anyone else ever see an

Contact and let them know this info..

For me, I just seen guys I already knew.
RE: Anyone else ever see an

>>>>Internet dating can have a bad rap that I feel is unfair b/c there are just as many jerks at the bars, clubs, foodstores, libraries, etc as there are online. Just be smart, be safe and have fun!

I was going to post this. At least with internet dating all the info is right there and you can "google" it. Not that easy with a real date. You'd have to spend the first few dates interrogating.
RE: Anyone else ever see an

i do know my ex-husband put a profile up on, but I never did read it (and it never came up in my searches, hehe).

Not that you asked, emphasize what others have said:

Do be careful....I had a very bad experience where I was borderline assaulted and almost didn't make it away ... stay with public places at first, definitely! Also I found the majority of men were sexually very pushy, if not only out for that.

But the diamonds are mixed in there with the charcoal duds. I did meet the love of my life online. :)
RE: Anyone else ever see an

The wonderful woman who does my nails (her true name is Becky but I think of her as "Bubbles" because she's so bubbly) signed up with E-Harmony, and her first match was to a man who was a nine-year member of her own church (which she had been a member of for 20 years!). Their first date was about four months ago and they are absolutely inseparable. And he sounds like one of the diamonds.

It can happen to you - but be cautious!


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