Anyone else concerned with caffeine?


I usually have a grande chai tea from Starbucks in the morning and sometimes an iced coffee in the afternoon. Anyone else still drinking some caffeine?
Yeah, I drink a Diet Pepsi pretty much everyday... I just try to have some extra water during the day to hopefully even out the effects of the caffeine -- not really sure if that works, but, it's worth a try ;)
When I was pregnant with both of my boys, I drank a cup of regular coffee everyday. Sometimes I'd get a mocha chiller from Gloria Jeans. I don't drink soda so it was no big deal. I just had my second 2 months ago. Also, ladies, I don't mean to lecture but BE CAREFUL drinking diet sodas and other diet beverages because there was some reports asparthame hurt babies especially in the first trimester. Don't over do it, please.
I don’t want to contradict regarding aspartame, but the American Dietetic Association, American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have claimed it is safe for use in pregnancy.

Here is some information on caffeine and pregnancy:

Just read the information available. I would recommend relying on well-researched sources… there is so much on the Internet that is not.

My son is now 3 but when I found out I was pregnant I pretty much cut out caffeine completely (except for the occassional candybar). And I was drinking 3 coffees in the morning. Just told myself that it is only for 9 months, not a lifetime.

I know that things change but I was told one cup of coffee/day was ok and no diet beverages.

Just be careful - your pregnancy only lasts 9 months - so if you can lay off the caffeine/artifical sweeteners the better for your baby.
My daughter is almost 4... my baby gril :(... anyway, I did not completely cut out caffeine. But, my intake of caffeine mgs is not that high and never has been. I also used aspartame.

As for aspartame, well, opinions vary but the consensus in the medical community is that it is safe for use during pregnancy. When I say consensus, I am referring to the medical associations, which we often refer to for practice decisions. There are individual doctors, NPs, PAs, and CNMs that will offer contradicting opinions.

Of course, I am all too familiar with meds, treatments, etc. being safe one day and off the market the next. Medicine is always evolving.

I agree with you Autumn about how it is interesting to watch the pendelum swing back and forth concerning what is considered safe and what isn't.

As far as Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are concerned, in many cases it is not only recommeded, but NECESSARY. With my first pregnancy I was a gestational diabetic. In my case (as with many other expectant mothers diagnosed with this), sugar can be far worse for the body and the baby than an artificial sweetener. IN FACT, after meeting with a registered hospital dietician AND my OB/GYN I was told that if I wanted yogurt, a soda, etc., it needed to be artificially sweetened b/c sugar would send my body into a state of shock. For many who are diagosed with gestational diabetes, it is a part of their diet (in moderation of course).

Fortunately, I do not have to deal with gestational diabetes now. Thanks to exercise and my personal trainer (Cathe :) ), I am much healthier this time around!!

EDD 7/30

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