Anyone done the SSRI + Wellbutrin combo? Welloft?


Some of you know I have decided to see a counselor since my miscarriage...for support. She is not a psychiatrist but told me that she thinks I have depression that was never adequately treated all along. She thinks I need meds. She wants me to see a new psychiatrist.

I was taking Lamictal after trying all the SSRI's, cymbalta, effexor, etc. It was working when everything was status quo but at times of increased stress, it was never enough. I just stayed in a funk at those times. Recently, when I got pregnant, I went off of everything. Going the med route again is discouraging but there is a part of me that does wonder.....what if the right combo is all that I need and I just never got there? All these years of just not feeling the same, struggling to shave my legs and wash my hair.. wondering where the old me went? Sparks interest. So, I am going to a brand new psychiatrist to seek a second opinion. Calling today.

This counselor is recommending something like Zoloft + Wellbutrin = Welloft, apparantly.;) I think I briefly took a Lexapro + Wellbutrin combo back in '05 but every time I would get severely sedated and before the 6 wk mark my psych would decide that it just was not right for my body. That level of sedation just was not normal, in her opinion. But now I wonder if I ever gave it long enough.

Somebody tell me a story about how much your life changed for you when you found the right meds/stuck it out? Is there something to look forward to? If you've been on the combo, do tell. Just trying to find the right path to take. Thanks!:9
Hello Naughtoj!!! I have struggled for years with anxiety/depression also and have tried Paxel, Zoloft (which worked great for me but I can no longer afford it). Back in January I lost my mom and so went back into a huge funk. They put me on Prozac, which on its own didn't do much for me so now I am taking one Wellbutrin (150mg) in the morning and one Prozac (20mg) at night. So far this has worked quite well. I have not managed to get all my energy back even now, but I am doing so much better. My doctor said the patients he puts on the SSRI/Wellbutrin mix seem to do very well. HTH!! Good luck and hang in there!!!:D Sandy
First off, I cannot begin to imagine what you've been through, so I can't even comment.

What I can do, though, is share with you how the combo of Zoloft, Buspar, exercise, exercise, and more exercise, has changed me.

I thought all was lost in 1999..if someone had told me, 8 years later, that I'd be well into my 5th summer with the same employer, a much better hubby to my wife than I was before treatment, I'd have never believed you, but it's true..all of it.

Lifestyle changes are what did it for me, more than anything. Yes, I have a family history of depression which will keep me on meds for life, but no, I don't consider that all of my treatment.

My exercise plan, my dropping of the "barstool buddies", has made me the person I am now...flawed, but happy, and growing all the time.

There is nothing but hope for you. Please trust in your doctors, that's huge, too..I put complete faith in my family doctor when I was first diagnosed, and that was key. Far too often, too many people try to tackle this alone..there's no need for that kind of's ok to ask for help..matter of fact, it's a requirement, in my book!!

This might seem funny, and kind of odd..both terms that describe me, by the way...but I always envision the sweat from a workout as the depressive thoughts leaving my body...which is why I love kickboxing sooooo much..every punch releases more and more!!!

In closing....Look up, stand up, and don't ever give up!! I wish that were my quote, but I heard it this weekend at the NFL Hall of Fame ceremony, and it brought chills!!

Jerry, thanks for you post. It almost made me tearup. Especially your quote...that's not your quote :)

I am also working with my doc to find the right med for me. We went from Lexapro, that I thought maybe just wasn't cutting it anymore, to Effexor. I do not like the side effects to my digestive system with Effexor. I will spare you the 'windy' details.

I thought I would try to handle me on my own, with no meds, but after this week, I'm not too sure I can
I'm thinking I will ask doc to try something else or see if he thinks increasing the dosage of the Lexapro might be a good idea.

My heart goes out to all of 'us' that deal with anxiety/depression.
I believe 'most' of mine is due some loss/pain in my personal relationships. The rest, I just don't know. I just feel like I don't want to be me.

Anyway, hugs.
Thanks for letting me share. :)

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