Anyone doing MM and GS workouts together?


Is anyone doing a rotation with all GS workouts and MM in the same week? I have seen previous rotations combining PS series with another full body workout like MIS or PH, so just wondering if the MM/GS combo would be similar? Any comments?

I am doing GS Mon,Tues,& Wed, then lower & upper MM on Thurs & Fri or Fri & Sat. I am separating it because I like adding the floorwork from GS legs to the MM lower work.
Diane Sue
That is kind of the rotation I was thinking of trying out. I like your idea of putting the GS floor work with the MM lower workout.

May I ask, what kind of cardio are you doing and how much?

Your pics are great--you look amazing!

Thanks, Thea
I do. GS-CT on Mondays, GS-BSB on Wednesdays and MM (or HSC) on Friday or Saturday. I was pretty sore doing this the first week; not so sore the second. I'm on my third week and I think my body's starting to adapt to the GS upper body workouts. I hardly feel sore anymore the next day. I need another rotation!:)

Thea, When I saw the title of this thread, I imagined you were doing GS Legs followed by MM the same day!! If that were the case, I'd say NO WAY IN HECK!

But doing them the sae week could work.

Right now, I'm following my "P90X-like Hardcore rotation," which has me doing each of the Gym Style workouts 1x/week. When I move on in the rotation, I'll be using MM and HSC instead of the Gym Styles. I'd prefer to work the Gym Styles heavy, with a lot of recovery, and work MM and HSC with more moderate weights.
My "week" is nine days and I'm doing GS and MM in that same nine-day period. Here's what I'm doing:

MON: MM + Yoga Stretch
TUE: Imax3 (1-6) + Pilates
WED: Power Yoga + Core Max
THU: Kick Max
FRI: GS CT + Yoga Stretch
SAT: GS Legs + 10 min Pilates
SUN: Rest, Yoga for Flexibility (Gaiam) or Stretch Max
MON: GS BSB + Core Max
TUE: Low Max + 10 min Pilates
First of all I want to say thanks. Cardio is usually 5-6 days a week. This week was:
Mon. I Max3
Tues Low Max
Wed. HC Extreme Hi/low
Thurs.KPC through the high intensity drills, Kick Max Premix Low impact because I did the high intensity drills with HC X and wanted the Lower drills on the end
Fri. Low Max
Sat. or Sunday will be I Max 3 again

Diane Sue
Wow! Thanks for the respones and suggestions. I am going to have to play around and see what I can come up with. I may start by doing GS series once per week, then add in MM once per week as well. I feel I am in a workout "funk", tired of the same stuff and the HC series is the perfect way to mix it up again! So many possibilities!

Thanks again!

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