Anyone do Weight Watchers here?

Hi there,
Just wondered if anyone at these boards are doing the Weight Watchers points plan? If so, how successful have you been? I've been at it for 10 weeks now and have lost 17 pounds. I'm at the point now where I want to up the intensity of my cardio workout so I'm thinking about Cathe videos. One question though.. I've heard that you can count up to 4 activity points per day. I would think that you'd earn more considering her videos are intense and about an hour long. Do you count more than 4? Thanks!
I think her workouts are worth 5 points. WW is great! A wonderful, sensible plan that you can stay on forever.

I've been on it for a year and a half. I don't count more than four points a day for activity because I find it gives me an excuse to eat more!

I lost 25 pounds and gained five back. I'm struggling sometimes getting the right daily points and the right activity points to get the right mix.

I love the plan. Counting points for foods certainly makes it easier then counting calories.

Good luck and keep up the good work!
I have been following WW's since Thanksgiving, and am down about 7 lbs. I kinda quit for about a month, but I am back on though. I do not count activity points. Somebody posted an address for The Wendie Plan where you eat higher paoints some days, and lower points others. I have been following that. I can not find where I wrote that website down at, maybe someone can chime in and tell you the address. It constantly keeps the body guessing because you do not eat the same number of points everyday. Anyway, I have 10 weeks until my 39th b-day, and I am sticking with WW's, I have 8 lbs. to lose. It is a great plan, and it works!!!!
I am trying to follow the Wendy WW points. One rule of thumb from Wendy plan reguarding activity points is that if you earn more than 5 AP only apply half of them. so if you earn 5 for a Cathe workout as I do, only count it as 3.

AnyWW users have the palm handheld program for journaling your ww points? It is fantastic. It has a points calculator, and an activity points calulator. It also stores foods that you have entered and their point values, and it sotres your journals for a few months.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :-
I have the old one from 1,2,3 Success. I haven't yet purchased the new one. I take it you think it is worth it?? Maybe I should try it. I will see if they have one tomorrow night when I go.
I've lost over 75lbs on Weight Watchers (this time - I've lost the same 40lbs over and over many times) Most of these lbs were lost AFTER I quit going to the meetings and doing this on my own. I did not count any activity points, but on occasion (sp?) did eat a little more on days I felt I needed more energy, mostly using banked points.

Have you checked out dotti's weight loss zone? I found it to be a great resource.

Good luck. mkc
The Palm program I am referring to . Is for hand held a PC, such as Palm. You can download it from the palm softwae site I think. I downloaded it from Dotti' However I don't know if it is still on Dottie's site.

BTW Dottie has a great site.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)

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