Anyone do a breakdown of Hardcore workout times?


Warm up lenghts, stretch lengths, cardio lengths, etc.? I know I could do this myself with my player, but I'm lazy.
On the one I posted on one HC left to try I messed up on the warm up time. It is 8 minutes 44 seconds. I may be able to help with the other two HC Extremes. I have tentaive times written down for most of the other workout. I will get them more exact.

HC Extreme Interval Circuits Total time 68min.
w/up 8min.44sec
54min. 7 sec. circuits
stretch 5min.29 sec.
Total cardio segments 29minutes. This is not counting the strength portions that keep your heart rate up.

HC Extreme High Low Intervals Total time 73 min.
7 min 47 sec w/up
45 min. cardio
14 min. KM lower drills
7 min. stretch

Muscle Max upper Push Pull premix 43 min.
4 min.w/up
25 min. strength
4 min. st

Low Max 69 min.
8 min. w/up
55 min. cardio
6 min. stretch
Hope this helps you some. Maybe others can add to this.
Diane Sue
Helps a lot, thanks! I think CK Sales has some breakdown times so I may look there as well. But the HC X times you've provided are great. Thanks again.

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