Anyone board their dogs while on vacation?

Well the worst thing that could happen did. We took Max out for his scheduled trial run on tuesday and it was one of the coldest days of the year at -35C. He was able to man handle the gate to his kennel right off the hindges and jump over their 6ft security gate surrounding all the kennels and he ran away. This kennel is in the middle of nowhere farm country.

We went out that night driving around looking for him with no real clue of wear he went. The next morning we went out there looking for hours but who knows how long he ran for or if he is dead and just laying there and we can't see him. It's is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. We put up posters in all the surrounding town post offices. I just want to gear up and follow his tracks but with the weather being so bad and the snow drifts I could be risking my own life. The kennel said they would pay for the $250 reward and they made the posters and put them up everywhere for us.

I just feel so helpless, and am sick to know where my big buddy is. I miss him so much and hope we find him but deep down it feels like he is lost forever.
Oh no! That is terrible! You, your family and your dear Max will be in our prayers. I am keeping hope alive that he is okay. Hugs...
OMG! I'm so sorry this happened. I would be devasted, too. I hope you find him real soon... with his size, he should be easier to spot than a small dog. Good luck and keep us posted.
OH NO!!!! Prayers to you and Max that you find each other really quickly! Oh poor guy out there in that cold! Fortunately dogs are smart. Check your local shelters, call all of the vet offices and tell them you are looking for him! I would be totally frantic if my buddy were missing! Major prayers and excellent vibes to you and Max!
Nothing yet but I contacted the shelter and all the area vet clinics. I am wondering if he would return to the kennel? I just want to sit out there and wait but you could imagine how loud it is with all those dogs barking at once.

Our plan is that if anyone sees him we will go back out there and wait a few hours in on spot.
How far from your house is the kennel? I would think he would try to get home before heading back to the kennel - but you never know. Maybe try looking along how a crow would fly from the kennel to your house. Dogs are smarter than we give them credit and are very good at getting where they intend to be. I wish I could do more!
The farm is a good thirty minutes away from the city. I'm hoping he will turn up soon. I hate not knowing where he is and if he is okay.

Thanks everyone for there support.

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