Anybody still have these?


Hi Everyone,

I recently lost all the data on my hard drive due to a nasty computer problem. Unfortunately, that includes the word documents containing the cathe rotations put together by our own Kathy. Does anybody happen to still have a copy they could email me? I realize that I can access all the rotations on the video fitness fanatics website, but it was great to be able to refer to them offline for all those times my hubby is tied up on the internet studying for medical school. Thanks so much!
t tried to e-mail you and it bounced back. Send me an e-mail and I'll try again.

I tried again to e-mail you with and without a rotation. I replied to your e-mail and it bounces back. I also tried with out an attachment, and had no success. I am sorry.
Could I have them too??????

Hi activegirl!

Well, believe it or not, I don't have them myself anymore for the exact same reason. They got lost in a hard drive crash about a year ago.

BUT -- if any of you out there still has a copy of my 4 original Cathe Rotations Volumes, please e-mail them to me and I will update them and send them to anybody who wants them. Kathy S.

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