Hey, Jill!!

Thanks so much for the additional info. Very helpful!!! Well, WAY BACK WHEN many of you may remember that I was going for a bone scan of my back. Well, they found nothing, as I expected. My back thing has become a mystery. Doctors know nothing. They can find nothing. SO....I went on the internet and found a book that spoke of a condition called TMS. Tension Myositis Syndrome. Basically it is pain that IS real, but is being generated by the brain rather than the body. Basically, the book takes the mind-body approach by saying that anger and repressed emotions can cause a chronic state of tension somewhere in the body. Supposedly, Fibromyalgia is a classic condition that is really TMS in disguise. Tendonitis can also be explained away with TMS. I read the books and determined that I was very likely to have this condition, as it matched my personality type.

It was just a different approach. Figured if no one could find a pathological reason for my pain, MAYBE it was all in my head. So basically I started to act like it wasn't there when it was, kept telling my brain to stop. You know, like mind over matter. Then I got a raise at my job and started doing a different type of work at my same job, than i had been before. This work is more interesting to me and I have found that since I have been a little happier with my job, my pain has substantially decreased.It is true though that I can get out of my chair more often now, which might also be helping.

But THANK YOU everyone for your concern, had it not been for Jill I would have forgotten all about this thread!!! I am determined to "fix" myself, since i have no pathological reason for my pain. Even in the TMS book, it talks about how pain can come from a real event, but that once it becomes chronic it is entirely a different beast. Which many times is TMS. The mind is a powerful thing. I am determined to think myself better. Since I have been having trouble sleeping lately and have been mildly deppressed I am also considering seeing a psychotherapist, just for a little while. I will deal with the mind for now, and see if it really does help. Anyone interested in the books I purchased.....

"Healing Back Pain: The Mind Body Connection" by John E. Sarno, MD.

"The Mind-Body Prescription- Healing the body, healing the pain" by John E. Sarno MD.

I really didn't have any other explanation for my pain other than my sit down job. I am young and very healthy, so this is the approach I took. If any of you out there has pain that you don't know why it is there or if it has become chronic, I suggest you look into TMS. you can do a search on the net and it will tell you some stuff. It helped me....THANK YOU ALL!!!!

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