Any suggestions?


Has anybody ever tried a rotation where you strength train 2 times per week and do cardio 3 times per week? Did you see good results, poor results, zero results? I'm doing 4 or 5 days cardio (walking, running, stairmaster, Cathe's step videos), and only one day of strength training and not seeing good results. My diet is quite good, except for one meal per week, I allow myself to completely blow it (usually on Saturdays). I'm wondering if I should start doing more weights than cardio. I'm becoming somewhat discouraged. (Thankfully I have new Cathe video's coming soon, so I'm encouraged by that! And impatient!
I can't wait for the new step video!
Thanks ladies.
This might be a double post...I had some trouble before, so forgive me if this is posted twice.

I do a rotation now with 3 or 4 cardios a week, and I hit each body part twice a week. I do each PS tape once a week, and MIS once a week. I do a Cathe video as my cardio. I've had great results with this. The scale has shown that I'm down a pound or two, but that wasn't really a goal as I am at a weight that I am happy with. But I LOOK so much trimmer, and it happened rather quickly. I think for me, more weights and less cardio is the key. I used to hit each body part once per week, and had about 5 cardio days. Maybe the results I see are simply a result of shaking things up, but I'm gonna keep at it for a while.

I worried about cutting back on the cardio, but I have been really happy with the results.

I suggest that you give it a try! Good luck!

It all depends upon your body, but I was doing cardio (either running 3 miles or Cathe Wedding or Firm Tough Cardio tapes) for 45 min. to 1 hour M, W, and F mornings before breakfast and then Cathe MIS Tues. and Thurs. nights (I'm not awake enough in a.m. to do weights). I noticed a lot of slimming in my arms, butt and legs which are pretty thick and good definition in my legs, but not alot of weight off of my stomach. I only followed this schedule for 2 months, but I did notice changes quickly. I usually follow this throughout Summer then switch to cardio 5 days a week in a.m. and weights 4 - 5 times a week in p.m. for Fall/Winter where it seems I bulk up a little more, but that is more than likely from all of the holiday food!! Try what you want to do for a few months and if you don't see the results you want, try it a different way. It all depends on where your body stores its fat and how hard you are pushing yourself, but be carefull, an injury can knock you back and you will be starting all over again! Good luck!!
I didn't get any definition until I started doing weights twice per week. I start off the week with a long tape that includes both cardio and strength (BodyMax or Circuit Max), day two is all cardio, and a tough hour long tape (IMax or MIC), then the next four days I do at least 30 min. of cardio plus weights for two body parts. I've been doing this for awhile with a CTX cardio plus 2 CTX weights and always end with an abs. I have really seen some great results. I am really looking forward to the new tapes from Cathe.
I also need at least 3 days of weights to see results.

I could do pure cardio 'til the cows come home and will not see any loss of bodyfat.
Maybe you need to cut back to 3 days/30 mins. cardio per week. I have read that 90 mins. per week is the min. needed to maintain basic cardio health. I do 3 days of cardio with perhaps 2 days of weights per week per bodypart and have seen good results. And my cardio days are usually interval type explosive workouts instead of just plodding along endlessly. I think your body type and goals determine how much cardio/weights you need. If you are naturally thin, and want a certain defined look, then you need less cardio and more weights to get the look you want. If you wanna be an endurance athlete then you will do more cardio at the expense of weight work. Also I have found that mixing things up frequently seems to work.
Trevor :)
Hi Lwseymour! I started a rotation that was on a thread here. I did a split routine. I stayed on it for 4 weeks before switching. I warmed up using Cathe's PS Series tapes.

Did 3 different exercises for Shoulders:
Upright Row: 3 sets of 20 using 25# barbell = 60 reps.
Side Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 20 using 12# dumbbell
Overhead Press: 3 sets of 20 using 15# dumbbells

Chest: Did Cathe's workout exactly as in PS Series.

Triceps: Overhead Extension Press: 3 sets of 20 using a 25# barbell.
French Press: 3 sets of 20 using 10# dumbbells
Kickbacks: 3 sets of 25 using 12# dumbbells

This all took me an hour to do. Not bad considering. I alternated between strength training and cardio. The other day I would work my back according to Cathe's PS Series tape and then really blast my biceps using the same concept as above.

The results that I saw was definitely more definition but unfortunately I didn't get more cut. Husband said "WOW your arms have gotten really big and muscular! Yes, that's exactly what I wanted but just not cut enough. I'd love to have that V shape on the side of the arm. It's there, you can see it, but not that pronounced. I've since been doing a circuit training strength training rotation only working shoulders, biceps and triceps. It was featured in Muscle & Fitness Hers. It's very hard and I get a really good burn. Only my 2nd week so I can't report on any results just yet. Good luck at whatever you decide to do! Kathy
Hi Lwseymour!! I'm also a person who usually feels the need to hit all bodyparts at least twice a week. Right now, I'm only doing one bodypart a week (I'm wanting to rest up for the S&H Series:) )and enjoying the change of pace, but I must confess I'm gettin antsy wanting to go a little harder!! I always see improvments, when doing my bodyparts 2-3x/week wether it be heavy or light, low rep, or high rep. Just doing the total body once a week is nothing more than a maitaince thing for me. Maybe it's the same way for you? Try adding another total body and see what happens. I personally, like my cardio at least four days a week. But that could work for you. Say like, MON: MIS, TUES, WED,& THURS: Cardio, FRI: MIS (or whatever), and SAT: Cardio.
Whatdya' think?
Ok, just my lil' ol' 2 cents ;-)! Hope we can helps ya' though!


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