Hey Janice, That was a joke (working jogging into TTR!!!). TTR is up and running. I just printed out my calender on the rotation site and posted it on the wall. I did PS BBA and CST on Monday and that went great, I'm going to up some of the weights next time. It's amazing how much you can lift at a slower speed. (as opposed to PH). Today was LL and that went well too, my knee is getting better. Boy, that AB section is a little tougher than others for some reason, have you found this to be true? I did IMAX right after LL cause I wanted a little cardio. I made it all the way through!!!!!!!! (the 1st interval, had you going there for a minute didn't I). Tomorrow is CTX upper body, Thurs. Cardio - I think CK and Friday Power hour and Saturday, I want to attempt the whole IMAX. Don't know about that though, seems pretty tough on the knees, may have to sub RS, but I'd like to try. Sunday is off, but the family may go biking for fun. Let me know how your doing, it's so helpful having "buds" to check in with.