Any Runners out there??

Okay you got me there. I actually have a treadmill, but was hoping not to admit this. I like the real thing when it comes to running, but now have no excuse not start training now!!!

Will get that book.

RE: Briee!

Hey there! My hubby and I are from WI!! We moved down here to Columbia, SC about 5 years ago. Hubby got a job with BOSE. But, we are die hard Wisconsinites and are looking for ways to move back. Your house and area sound like a dream to us!!! We are originally from the South Eastern Corner, Kenosha County, still have family there. But, we are looking for something like Amish country. How did you get out of the corporate life and debt and all, if you don't mind my asking... I mean I don't mean to be nosey- honest. This just sounds like exactly what my husband and I have been talking about doing. We have six kids, and homeschool. They range in age from 1 year to 11 years. Do you homeschool? I have some friends up there in Amery, Pastor Linda and Pastor Loren Schumacher. Anyway, I guess I am babbling now! :>)


My e mail is [email protected] I would really love to hear from you!
Ok, yeah Briee, I would like to know how you are going to work running into the TTR??? I am still trying to figure out how I am going to work the TTR into the TTR!!! Seems like a killer all on its own. Looks like I will be running a 10K in November though, so maybe I will have to work it in as well. I might also be doing a rollerblading staunt the same day. It's like a run/walk/roll marathon. Pretty cool...we'll see.....

Did IMAX today....first cardio of the TTR...had to switch up the days due to time constraints...tommorrow are you doing????
Hey Janice, That was a joke (working jogging into TTR!!!). TTR is up and running. I just printed out my calender on the rotation site and posted it on the wall. I did PS BBA and CST on Monday and that went great, I'm going to up some of the weights next time. It's amazing how much you can lift at a slower speed. (as opposed to PH). Today was LL and that went well too, my knee is getting better. Boy, that AB section is a little tougher than others for some reason, have you found this to be true? I did IMAX right after LL cause I wanted a little cardio. I made it all the way through!!!!!!!! (the 1st interval, had you going there for a minute didn't I). Tomorrow is CTX upper body, Thurs. Cardio - I think CK and Friday Power hour and Saturday, I want to attempt the whole IMAX. Don't know about that though, seems pretty tough on the knees, may have to sub RS, but I'd like to try. Sunday is off, but the family may go biking for fun. Let me know how your doing, it's so helpful having "buds" to check in with.

Forgot to mention, who's kidding who about doing a lot. Rollerblading, 10k, and TTR. Can't wait to see this.

I does sound like a blast though. ******Remember to ease into the running, get good shoes, buy that book on training for a marathon, reread this entire thread and don't do anything stupid!!!! Am I full of advise now or what!!!! (hey how do you do those cute little smiley faces? I wanted to put one here for ya)

Briee, sounds like you are pretty much up there and handling the "running" situation with all of our advice! Good for you! :)

About the smileys: When you are answering a post, look up at the 3 sentences above the is the third one which reads: Emotion Icons Emotion icon short cuts." Click on that and you will see them all. :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!! Briee!!!

Yeah, I know I have high hopes but we will just see what this ol' bod can do by then!! You DID have me going!!

I did CK today. I usually only have one hour to workout during the week so I will have to do a "makeup" session on the abs on Sat. Did MIS yesterday but didn't finish triceps and abs. Thought i would finish it later, but didn't!(OOPS). I am doing this more frequently lately and I need to stop it. I will be so imbalanced! LL is tommorrow and to tell you the truth I don't remember the abs on that one, which MIGHT be a good thing. Will let you know. You sound like you are pluggin along. Keep me posted!!!

Thanks runathon, I'm looking at them, but how do you get them on the page, can you tell I'm very computer illiterate (I have this problem with running too!!!)

Hi Briee,

I am sure you are all "adviced" out by now, however, I wanted to add my two cents to the mix!!! There is a wonderful site called (click on the tool bar "TRAINING"). They give some really great advice on training and especially for new runners. They also have a message board.

I wish you much success in your efforts!!! :D
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-02 AT 03:59PM (Est)[/font][p]Sorry....double post!!
Briee: Smileys

You have to actually type the middle portion "shot cuts" the way it is :- and then the ) all together. "Preview" your post before sending and make sure the smiley comes out. Let me know...with a few smileys on your next post....if it worked! :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
RE: Briee: Smileys

You all are so helpful on this site. (actually to be honest I've never looked at another chat site before) Here goes.

PS BBA/CST on Monday :7
Leaner Legs Tuesday:-jumpy
CTX Upper body Wedesday :D
Cardio Kicks Thursday x( (This one was tough on my sore knee!!)
Power Hour Friday :-hmmm
IMAX Saturday :-tired (always scared to do this, maybe I'll substitute???)
Off Sunday :-sleepy

So how did I do????? Thanks so much!!!!

More advice!!! LOL. I ran yrs ago and I remember that same pain in the lateral aspect of the knee. DH is a sports med MD and I remember that he said that I wasn't stretching enough. I was doing FIRM tapes and since I was lifting, I needed to stretch longer. For this particular pain, he told me to be sure and do the stretch for the hip at least 2 min every day. You know the one where you sit, cross your leg over the other and pull your knee toward your chest? I did that and after a week or so, the pain went away.

Wow I never would have thought this stretch would effect my knee. I did use it, but only breifly (and I don't think that I did it before the run, only after). I will try this and let you know. Thanks so much. No such thing as too much advise in this case.

Robin, I just had to tell you about this. Since I hurt my knee, that same pain keeps showing up during cardio workouts. SO.... today while I was doing IMAX of course it was showing up almost right away. I paused the tape probably 6 times in between intervals and did those hip flexor stretches that you described and each time it helped SIGNIFICANTLY. I would have never thought this was knee related, but it IS. I am sure to do them now 2 minutes before and after exercise and sometimes during when the pain comes on again. It helps every time and my knees not too sore after the workout. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!

Briee :D
Robin, I just had to tell you about this. Since I hurt my knee, that same pain keeps showing up during cardio workouts. SO.... today while I was doing IMAX of course it was showing up almost right away. I paused the tape probably 6 times in between intervals and did those hip flexor stretches that you described and each time it helped SIGNIFICANTLY. I would have never thought this was knee related, but it IS. I am sure to do them now 2 minutes before and after exercise and sometimes during when the pain comes on again. It helps every time and my knees not too sore after the workout. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!

Briee :D

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