Any Runners out there??


I've a question for all you runners out there. I promised my son I would run in a 5K with him despite my passionate hate of running. So...on Tuesday I went for my first run, hoping all those Cathe tapes would make it a breeze. And I have to say I surprised myself. For my first run in 12 years I went 3.5 miles in approximately 29 minutes and it felt pretty good, but after the run, pain in my knees began to build to the point where I could hardly walk for a while. The next morning I pushed myself through PH, lunges were tough on the knees, but I made it and felt a little better. I ran the next morning same distance with my DH and again, severe pain in the outer area surrounding the knee. I limped around all day Thursday, severe pain again particularly in my left knee, outside edge of knee. My dh says that I slap my feet when I run. I consciously try hard not to do this. My questions are: could the slapping be the reason for the pain in my knees? Am I slapping my feet because my shoes are not fitting properly? I ask this because I really try to start at the heal and roll onto the ball of the foot with no slap, but it still sounds like slapping. Is there a correct way to run to avoid knee and shin injuries or are some just more prone to it? Maybe this isn't even the reason for the sore knees. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I will add Cathe tapes are much more fun than running, even the low end lunges. Although, I'm determined to gain an appreciation for this form of exercise. Thanks so much for your input. Oh, one last question, will I wreck my knees if I continue to push through the pain, the 5K is on Saturday (I know this is pitiful, we should have trained weeks ago, I'm counting on all these Cathe workouts to get me through!!)

Hi Briee, I have run a few 5k's. I actually love to run but am just getting back in shape after my baby was born 5 months ago.

I have two suggestions:

1. You should not have run 3.5 miles on the first day you started running. What happened to you happened to me when I went from running 3 miles to running 6.1 miles one day. I injured my knees. You cannot increase your weekly mileage more than 10%. You just started. You should walk/run for hmmmm, probably 7 to 10 days before attempting to run straight through. This allows your musculoeskeletal system to get used to the pounding...this actually takes about 6 weeks. Soooo, please go slow and increase it as you feel better. Remember that your cardiovascular systems is fit because of your previous exercise with Cathe...but your bones are not used to the constant pounding of your feet as your body's weight is 3 times your normal weight when you run.

2. Go to a specialty store just for runners who can test to see what kind of foot you have(some videotape you as you run on a treadmill to determine what shoe is right for you). You could be a pronator, underpronator, have flat feet, etc. There are special shoes for every kind of foot and it is sometimes hard to determine which one is right for you.

Well, those are my suggestions...take care. Running is great!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Runathon, I was hoping you were going to be the one to reply. Thanks SOOOOO much for your suggestions, I will take them to heart. I, too, had a baby five months ago. This was baby number five, born April 3. I had an extremely quick recovery from this baby, started lifting 14 days after delivery. I am so thankful for all this exercise motivation as it has made ALL the difference for me.

Blessings on you too and I will definitely slow it down. I will perhaps have to walk the 5K tomorrow with baby on my back or in baby jogger. (this is tough for my competitive nature, but humility is very much a virtue!!!!)

I just wanted to add that, yes, some people are more prone to knee pain or shin splints, etc. I have to be especially careful when planning my workouts and running because of my knees. My friend on the other hand has a terrible time with shin splints.

And I also agree with everything runathon said. Although I have yet to get to a running store...but that's just cause it's 100 miles away and I have two kids that drive me crazy when I go to town. This is them :-jumpy

Just wanted to say that Runathon gave excellent advice. Now Briee, OK, did you REALLY think you were gonna RUN the 5K in less than a weeks training time?? Surely not!! My best advice in addition to Runathon's would be don't perhaps walk the 5K, FOR SURE walk the 5K. Unless of course, you want to be limping around until the middle of next week and missing out on your Cathe workouts!! Running gets to be more fun...when you allow yourself some time to adapt. Tell your son to plan a 5K for a date more reasonable and THEN tell him you will be ready! And get shoes!! Good Luck!!

Well everyone here are the results. The bad news is my knee hurt so bad from Thursdays run that I couldn't even walk the race with baby on my back. I had to watch, (I'm not a watcher, this was so tough). But the good news is my 12 year old son took third in his age catagory, my 6 year old son took second in his catagory (amazingly he ran the whole race), my 9 year old daughter took 5th and DH took third in his age catagory. So for five competing from our family three took metals. I was a proud mom sitting on the side, BUT NEXT YEAR...... We have made big plans to run as a family beginning early next summer and we're going to be ready for this race!!!!! And I'm determined to somehow enjoy running. Thanks for your support and suggestions. We are WAY in the country as well and I plan to get to a store where I can have my feet evaluated and get some good shoes prior to this. AND Janice, your right, it would be a killer if I had to miss my Cathe workouts...just got all the tank top rotation tapes UPS and plan to begin Monday morning, hope my knee will be ready for LL on Tuesday morning!!!!!!!

Still a pretty nice outcome, eh Briee??? I cannot say that I am truly sorry you were "out of commission" for the race. But I do hope you feel better soon. It is nice to see that you have such an active and healthy family!! How did you get your 9 year old into running??? WOW!! That really is remarkable. Hey..I just got my DVD working and I just recently ordered the 23 pack, so I am rockin' with the TTR too on Monday!!! I am training 3 other people at work so hopefully they will be agreeable as well...Let me know how it starts working out for you!!!


How wonderful that your whole family was involved. Sorry to hear that it was just a spectator event for you though. :-( Good Luck as you prepare to start again. Running is sooo much fun and just a feel good sport. Good shoes are definitely a must, as is building up slowly as you know now. It's funny when we find something we want to do, we go at it with such excitement that we tend to overdue at times. Maybe, start off walk/jogging, slowly increasing your running time. Hang in there, get yourself all better and enjoy your new tapes! You are going to love the results of the TTR. Keep us posted.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I love running but my knees ache too and I'm not yet 40.I am down to 1 or 2 times per week.I have no suggestions but I step the rest of the time and when I do Imax I jump on a very good gym mat and my knees seem better.
RE: Briee!

Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. Yes I like to jump into things full force and somehow once you've actually felt the accomplishment of doing all low end lunges with a smile (okay maybe not quite a smile) you start to think, wow, I can do just about anything. This unfortunately is not quite true. (but close, ehh?????).

Janice, I'm excited that your beginning TTR on Monday too, it's so cool to have others to keep you accountable. I'm in the country in Wisconsin and there just isn't anyone out here doing any exercise that I can converse with. But, I'm trying hard to encourage others to join in. It feels soo good!!!!

Debbie, I've been meaning to thank you for your signature "if you get the chance to sit out or dance, I hope you dance". I like this, VERY MUCH.

RE: Briee!


Where in Wisconsin are you from? I live in Green Bay, grew up north of Eau Claire and lived in Whitewater for the past two years, so I've hit most areas of the state. :)

RE: Briee!

Hi Sarah,

We just moved out here 2 years ago from Illinois, left corporate life to go debt free and will never look back. We bought 44 acres with a home up on top of a hill, bought some hobby farm animals (all pets of course). We also have Old English Mastiff's, an orange wing amazon, a few other unique furry friends and currently five children. We are about an hour east of Lacrosse, 1/2 hour south of Tomah in the country. We LOVE it here. But, I have to admit there isn't a lot of interest in any form of exercise. Hopefully that will change. We are in Amish country so all of our neighbors are electric free which makes for beautiful dark nights with thousands of stars in the sky. I'd love to hear how Debbie H got into teaching classs at the local church. Can you get certified without living near a big city? Would love feedback in this area. There are so many women around here who just don't know where to start as far as getting "active". Would love to help.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-02 AT 05:09AM (Est)[/font][p]Everyone else had such good advice, but I just wanted to add... once you get your new shoes, all of the wisdom I have heard is that you shouldn't "try" to modify your footplant. I mean, once you have proper running shoes that fit your biomechanics, you should just run naturally. I follow a marathon training plan by Hal Higdon, who has run more than 100 marathons, and he says you mess with your stride at your own risk. The more miles you run, the more efficient you should get without even thinking about it.

I've been running for about a year and a half now. Last time I was a runner, I went from 3 miles walking to 6 miles running with no problems, but I was 19 and thin at the time. This time, I have focused on a slow build-up of mileage, both to avoid injuries in my hips and knees and to allow my mind to get used to the long stretches of time. Just recently, I've gotten it "right," and can now run 6 miles in a row without feeling it at all the next day. But to get to that point, I ran two minutes, walked one, for weeks. And now I have to fight the desire to add too many miles too quickly and ruin all my hard work.
Just a quick add on from me, even though you've gotten all the advice you need...

I am a perfect example of how important the "right" running shoes are. I've been a runner for quite some time. I don't run far, or all that fast, but I run hills. I go about 2-3 miles a day, and run the steep hills in my neighborhood.

I've always worn Nike running shoes and never had a problem. For some insane reason, the last time I went for new shoes (about 3-4 weeks ago), I let the salesman talk me into getting New Balance. BIG MISTAKE!! I ran in those New Balance shoes for about 2 weeks before I was just about completely incapacitated by hip and lower back pain.

Long story short, I went to a specialist and learned that the new shoes were throwing my stride off so badly that my pelvis was out of alignment, therefore the pain in my hips and lower back. I immediately purchased new shoes, but was out of commission for almost 2 weeks. I am finally pain free, and I've learned my shoe lesson for sure!

Adding to say: This is not to say Nike is any better than New Balance, or vice versa.... just figure out which brand is right for you and stick with it!! I ended up with Saucony's this time, and I'm very happy with them so far.
I really want to thank all of you for the wonderful advice. I got interested in running again just because of this 5K, but now you've motivated me to run for enjoyment. I'm determined to do this until I can actually say that I'm having fun. I'll keep you posted.

Very interesting about the way to develop your own style of running and not mess with the individual stride. I'm going to check into this.

Hi there!

Go to will find all the information you need there....! About the stride, yup, you should never extend your legs/stride when running. Just keep your turnover will get faster as you train without giving yourself shinsplints. Trust me...been there done that! I have a book called "The Non-Runners Marathon Training Guide" It is awesome. It teaches non-runners how to run a marathon in 18 weeks. However, don't be discouraged if you are not interested in a marathon. The book itself is full of information on how to begin running from the mental to the physical aspect for people just like us...I highly recommend it since you are now interested in running for enjoyment.

Congratulations to your family for a job well done at the race. When you do things as a keep your kids out of trouble!!! :)

BTW, my son was born March 20...congratulations on the birth of your baby on April 3 (my birthday is on April 5...great month!). :-jumpy

And, definitely: Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon :-jumpy
Gonna get that book right away!!!!! I think one of my goals this coming year might be to run a marathon, after I reach the goal of "enjoying" running. We'll see. can I work this into the TTR???? Just thinking out loud!!!! Actually here in WI I will probably have to wait until spring to begin training. Thanks so much for responding runathon.

RE: Briee!

Hi Briee,

Your home sounds fantastic! It's such a beautiful area over there. You said you're about an hour away from LaCrosse. I know that's pretty far to drive, but UW-LaCrosse is nationally known for their exercise & health programs (if you know this already, feel free to ignore me :) ). You may want to check with them to see if they do adult education workshops on weekends or something. Their website is

<<<<<Actually here in WI I will probably have to wait until spring to begin training. >>>>>>

Briee....get yourself a treadmill! (I have one - it is too hot/humid in Florida to be running outside)

...that way you don't have an excuse for "not training now???" :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon

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